No, I like my calculator as it is.
No, I cannot afford another calculator.
Maybe, It depends on how much improvement there is.
Yes, I do not like my current calculator.

Yes, I buy every calculator TI makes.
I do not have a TI calculator right now.
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Bobby Jackson
I'm happy with my TI-89. That's all I have to say about it.
Reply to this comment
17 April 2000, 13:33 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
I would have voted if there was something in between "I don't like my calculator" and "I buy every calculator TI makes"
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17 April 2000, 13:50 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Aaron Hill
(Web Page)
Well, I've seen a lot of discussion for just about every TI calculator except the old TI-92 (noting the reference to a 92 with a Plus module). I have been using my good ole 92 with no problems, so I see no reason to spend (read: waste) money on any new calculators or upgrades to this model. Also considering all of the appearant problems when it comes to assembly on the 89/92+, I doubt I would ever want to leave the nice, warm, fuzzy feeling you get with Fargo II programming on a TI-92.
Ahhh.... So relaxing... :o)
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17 April 2000, 17:38 GMT
[Off-topic] Equation help...
Paulo Marques
(Web Page)
Damn, i hate having to admit this...
I don't really know how to solve multiple equations on my 89 (I never needed it yet, and I have quite a past about discovering this on my calc on exam days, honest story!), so anybody with some pointers on it...
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17 April 2000, 20:03 GMT
Re: [Off-topic] Equation help...
It's easy. Say you have two equations:
y/x = 15
Using the solve (Under the Algebra Menu on your calc) function do the following:
ANSWER: x = 5-y
ANSWER: y = 75/16
ANSWER: x = 5/16
You just keep plugging the variables back into one another. This is why math teachers don't always like the 89, because of it's algrebraic manipulation. But, students usually are okay with it. (Of course.)
Dark Ninja
"No computer is secure unless it is turned off, unplugged, locked in a steel safe, and buried 50 miles underground, and is guarded by highly trained, highly paid armed guards with Dobermen as pets. And even then, I wouldn't bet my life on it."
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17 April 2000, 23:35 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
I would go and get a new TI if it was better than what I have now unless TI goes and
screws me again like last time. The day after I go and buy my TI-86 TI announces
The release of the 89. DOH!
Reply to this comment
18 April 2000, 00:09 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
David Browne
(Web Page)
i have a ti-83+. it was the preferred calculator for my ap stat class. it's also the newest one my teacher knows how to use. she also uses it for ap calc. i would like to get a ti89, especially since the stat app was released. but i wont have any money untill i start working for the summer. i may need one for next year too: is anybody majoring in computer science/engineering and using a ti89? is it worth buying it?
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18 April 2000, 01:37 GMT
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