No, I like my calculator as it is.
No, I cannot afford another calculator.
Maybe, It depends on how much improvement there is.
Yes, I do not like my current calculator.

Yes, I buy every calculator TI makes.
I do not have a TI calculator right now.
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
(Web Page)
This is what i must think about. My current calculator, the TI-83+ model, is still going through several reprogrammings. Since this model lacks RAM and Archive memory, i might as well get a TI-92. But for the moment, i okay with this one.
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16 April 2000, 22:02 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Laura Thompson
I bought my 89 a few months ago, since then I've pretty much stopped using my 82, I use my 85 mainly for programming, I haven't had to time to master 89 BASIC quite yet. But my 89 is the best calculator I've bought, It has the CAS and Pretty Print, and all sorts of other functions, and availible programs to keep me happy. God I just LOVE my 89! It rocks! :)
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16 April 2000, 22:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Amalfi Marini
Rocks? Ti89 is heavy metal!!!!
Every day I use my TI89 I can't believe it, do you know what it means to change from a 9850G to a TI89?????? Here, people only knows Casios and some HP, to give you an idea, a friend of mine used to laugh with his HP48G, because “ is the best calc in the world it can find the derivative formula of a function ”. So, I asked him,
-“HP48G , eh, mmmm , memory??” so, he answered : -“It has more memory that you can imagine:32kb and you can do 3D graph and play games using Basic language !!!!! .
So, I said -“mine has 702kb of archive memory and 188Kb of RAM”
-“HA HA!! Good joke!!”
–“no it’s not a joke.” I turned my TI89 ON, then on the homescreen; sma() and he couldn’t believe it
he played sonic, Mario, and solar striker without laughing at all .
-“Man, this HP I have just sucks, congratulations, I didn’t know there was such good calc ”
Reply to this comment
20 April 2000, 00:41 GMT
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Paul Schippnick
(Web Page)
None of these options fit:
* No, I like my calculator as it is.
* No, I cannot afford another calculator.
* Maybe, It depends on how much improvement there is.
* Yes, I do not like my current calculator.
* Yes, I buy every calculator TI makes.
* I do not have a TI calculator right now.
But yes, I am planning to buy another TI-Calculator.
My next planned purchase, a TI-68. Others planned, TI-82, TI-89. And of course, the Plus module for my 92. I own two TI-85s. Keep one at work. The other to and from work. My TI-86 was bought to replace my 85. But since programs written on the 86 cannot be easly ported to the 85, I do my programming on the 85. I like my TI-92 over my HP-48X. I have written/translated programs top run on the HP, but I have done no programming on the 92 except one picalc program written for the 89, I have edited so my 92 can see the whole answer. Other than that edit I have done no programming on my 92. I have ported porgrams for the 85 to a 82 format (I don't have an 82 yet). And ported an 85 program (Basic Quadratic Solver) to the 92. And and of course to my 86.
Reply to this comment
17 April 2000, 00:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
I am a chemical engineer. I use 2 86's, an 89, and 92+ at work. I also own an 85, 86, and 92 from my high school and college years. I also use my graph link quite ofton with my notebook. I use one of my 86's all the time, it goes wherever I do. I have overclocked it, and expanded the ram to the same as the 89 (thanks to my buddies in the electronics department at work). My second 86 I use with a CBL unit. I have found I get fatser results using this setup than a computer and data acquistion system. My 89 is setup to do more advanced calcualtions and 3-d graphing, I use it mostly when I am in the lab. I use my 92+ when I am at my desk, becuase it is so large and bulky. The nicest thing is downloading my work to my notebbok at the end of the day and taking it home. This also makes it much easier to port from calc to calc. I program for all of my calcs, and used to for the 82's back in high school. The only problem I have found using these calculators extensivley at work is the hell I get for it. Most of the other guys use HP graphing calculators and their pc's. That is the reason I am senior chemical development engineer and they are my slaves. The Ti's are also great for playing games during boring meetings. (I am just as bad as the students out there. Except I get paid to not pay attention and play games. :P) I get most of my games off this website, as I don't have the time to make my own. So keep working on those 86 and 89 games. I have one suggestion for you game programmers out there. Make a false screen of calcualtions so you can pause the game and hide the fact you are playing games when the boss or teacher walks by. As for new calculators, my suggestion for Ti is to make a backlit screen for playing in the dark. That would keep my interest on the game when the lights are turned off and some fat bald man is showing slides or using the overhead. See there are some cool jobs in the world if you work hard enough. If you ask I may tell you what I make now and what I started at.
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19 April 2000, 05:55 GMT
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