No, I like my calculator as it is.
No, I cannot afford another calculator.
Maybe, It depends on how much improvement there is.
Yes, I do not like my current calculator.

Yes, I buy every calculator TI makes.
I do not have a TI calculator right now.
Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Brian Overman
(Web Page)
Well, I'm pretty happy with my TI-86. The games are good, nothing too great, but why do you need the most advanced games when the screens are only about 2 Square inches? Anyway, as long as games such as Arkanoid and Mario are there, I don't need much more. Also, I once borrowed a friend's 89, and that thing is very complicated! I've stopped playing games pretty much because I'm trying to bring my grades up and playing games on my calculator translates to C's and D's. Not good.
Anyway, the TI-86 is simple, easy to use, has pretty good functionality (it better for over $100!) and I like it!
Reply to this comment
16 April 2000, 21:45 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Brian Overman
(Web Page)
Sorry about that, but that's all it is, a two inch screen. Oh, but that two inch screen can play some really fun games, just not any realy high tech games. It doesn't seem so small though, just like a television set looks so much bigger when it's on then when it's off. When it's off, it looks like just a small black screen, but when on, it's the size of the world! For about a year, I was addicted to my 86's screen, not as much anymore.
Sorry 'bout making you feel like a loser.
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17 April 2000, 06:08 GMT
Re: Re: Would you buy another TI calculator?
Paulo Marques
(Web Page)
(ok, now for my first serious post)
Actually, as soon as I heard of the 89 i just wanted it. Of course it was expensive, so waited quite a while until i got it, but it's definitly worth it. It's not hard to work with, you just have to get used to it. And I found it extremely useful on my first try with Calculus, just to make sure those derivations (is that ok?) and integrals (don't know either, the curly s thing) were right, definitly invaluable. But be careful with it, be sure you learn to make it by yourself too, or you'll be in trouble. But I rant... Literal expresion are a breeze with it, and and I seriosly advise anyone without one who needs to know serious math and who isn't a genious to really consider getting it (or the 92).
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17 April 2000, 19:48 GMT
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