No, I like my calculator as it is.
No, I cannot afford another calculator.
Maybe, It depends on how much improvement there is.
Yes, I do not like my current calculator.

Yes, I buy every calculator TI makes.
I do not have a TI calculator right now.
Re: TI-89 Beatdown
Paulo Marques
(Web Page)
>And no geometry,
can't comment on what I don't know
>smaller screen
Point, but that isn't worth the extra cash, really, to do MATH? (hehe, now it's my time to nag about games)
>and no QWERTY keyboard.
Well, yeah, that probably comes in handy if you want do write letters in your class, but then why do you need the bigger screen for games then? Not like it's that noticeable.
> The TI-89 also has too little battery capacity.
Really? Mine doesn's seem so, though it's almost new (2 months use), and somehow I do doubt that, but I would thank one who would back that up.
Reply to this comment
17 April 2000, 01:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Missed joke
Paulo Marques
(Web Page)
Querem que eu comece a falar em português também, é?
I'm not particularly fond on spanish, but I don't dislike them either. I guess we don't like them because they ruled us more than once. I don't like them because a lot of them think we should understand them, which we do, being one of the more lenguage-apt countrys, and don't give a rat's ass about what we say. But I don't descriminate, though, it was just a joke Laura, because many people even in Europe think we're a part of Spain, and actually that is also somewhat our fault... But that's seriously Off-Topic.
Reply to this comment
21 April 2000, 13:55 GMT
TI-89, TI-83+ are all I need
John McCord
(Web Page)
No geomety? Big deal, if you're using the Ti-89 or Ti-92, you're in a higher math and should know the geometry.
Smaller screen? It's the second largest of all the calcs, behind the Ti-92 of course, and that's not worth complaining about and is definitely not worth the money.
No QWERTY keyboard? Thank God... If it had one I wouldn't be able to use the Ti-89 on my SAT and other such tests. Some may consider it cheating, but because the Ti-89 is allowed and the Ti-92 is not (only because of the QWERTY keyboard), I'll gladly take the Ti-89.
Little battery capacity? Now I know for a fact that isn't true. I got my Ti-89 in early December 1999, and I've used it nearly every day for a solid hour (on the average - calculus does that to a guy). I still have not changed the baterries. I've changed the batteries on my Ti-83 once, and it gets far less use, ya know, because I have a Ti-89.
In other words, don't waste your money on a Ti-92. It's bulkier and more expensive for just slightly better features, but it can't be used when it's really needed. And if you're focusing on gaming, you need to get your priorities straight. Nintendos and Playstations and computers are a helluva lot better for games.
And now to relate to the subject of my message, the Ti-83+. Only a few features make the Ti-83+ necessary: stats and finances. And Flash Apps are being written for the Ti-89, so in a few short months even the Ti-83+ will be useless to me. Well, that's enough from me.
Reply to this comment
17 April 2000, 18:40 GMT

TI-92, TI-83+ are all I need.
"The Keyboard"... so what, if you payed THAT much money you would have at least another calc to take the test... besides they usually supply you with one, like a cheezy 82, lol, and they would have to erase your memory, so whats the advantage??
"The Screen"... your point? the calc's processor still has to deal with more pixels, the reason why the 89 is slower, which is where the 92's are faster, maybe not alot but they are suited better for it.
"The Batteries"... A solid hour and didnt have to change... that's unbeliveable... i had my little 83+ running, just on the cursor, and it almost went dead after that time, imagine that since the 83+ uses less power than a 89...
"The Bulkiness"... Even if that's a word the size makes up for rhe keyboard, screen, and other function keys. Oh, and if you plan to have a Playstation always along with you around school, GOOD LUCK.
"THE TI-83+"... Useless eh.... hard to believe that too. Just mindless gibberish about pointless subjects, since you think that they will be forever lost.. why would you think people would start buying 89's?? Some ppl, unlike me, just plain dont have $150 or so dollars to just spend on a calculator that they would only use for 1 class... some ppl DO more classes but thats not the point I'm stressing. And TI isnt giving up on the 83+.. more apps are coming and wont be out for a few YEARS... the guy who made 83+ ASM Guru, or whatever, is working with TI on 3 or 4 83+ he has. Oh, but the 83+ is going to be useless.......
creator of Mwin2x
Reply to this comment
18 April 2000, 02:11 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Mourn for 85dom
(Web Page)
you'd better not!
oy, hablo espanol! (sorry, but I can't figure out the tilde), perro, solo un poco...
(ps: I have an 83+, and I want a 92+, but since the 89 are virtually the same, I think I'll get that (also, they're allowed in SATs and such...)
oh yeah, from the other board:
That TxtView thing was really awesome! if anyone has an 83Plus with Ion, go get TxtView...since the calculators are allowed on SATs, TxtView allows you to type your notes on your PC, and trannsffer them to your calc! not all calculators are for math...
and btw, to the guys saying remarks (nicely) towards the Casios, GET YOUR OWN SITE AND STAY OFF OF OURS! This is strictly Texas Instruments, and no true and faithful TI owner would betray the nation by buying on of those...!!
Reply to this comment
21 April 2000, 12:34 GMT
Re: TI-92, TI-83+ are all I need.
(Web Page)
Well, I beg to differ. I got my 89 in January (this year), and haven't changed the batteries yet. Since I not only use my 89 for math, but I also use it for programming and engineering classes. All in all, about 4 hours a day (give or take some, generally the former). Day in, day out. Still the same old Duracell. I also love how much memory is available (on my 83, I couldn't have much selection of games at any one time. This is not so on the 89). The fact that the 89 doesn't have a QWERTY keyboard doesn't bother me either (as a matter of fact, I have grown quite accustomed to typing on the little keyboard). I guess you can say I am a proud owner of a TI-89, and no one can change my mind, no matter what.
Reply to this comment
18 April 2000, 03:37 GMT
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