The calculator's operating system
Someone else's programming
Someone's tutorial that confused me and caused me to crash my calculator
Michael Vincent
The calculator's hardware
My calculator can crash? Since when?
I only blame myself for whatever happens to my calculator
Re: What do you usually blame your calculator's crashes on?
Jordan L
Microsoft was my answer
Has anyone seen the new G5 Quad?
check it out at
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30 October 2005, 21:16 GMT
Re: What do you usually blame your calculator's crashes on?
(Web Page)
Back in the day when everything was kernel programming for the 68k calcs I used to blame DoorsOS. (Plushell and teOS were much better replacements)
This was before the ti89 had archive recovery built in. Some months later Third party software was released that modified AMS 1.00's file system to build in archive recovery. And eventually AMS 2.03 was released and TI provided the archive recovery. Now a days crashes are acceptable.
Then I became a serious developer so I blame crashes on myself.
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30 October 2005, 22:03 GMT
Re: What do you usually blame your calculator's crashes on?
Peter Fernandes
(Web Page)
Blame Microsoft for their corruption of the modern software industry!...or just because I don't like Windows.
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30 October 2005, 22:47 GMT

Re: Re: What do you usually blame your calculator's crashes on?
(Web Page)
Microsoft's lousy OS and other software really has nothing to do with the people at TI and their OS. To blame a problem with the TI OS on Windows/Microsoft is to ... well, it's not right. It's pretty rare for the TI OSes to just crash when you're doing normal work, at least in my experience. The only instances in which my TI-89 ever crashed, and there were many such instances, were when I was running an ASM program which did something wrong.
An aweful lot of people voted for Microsoft, which surprised me, because my initial reaction was "Microsoft!? Putting Microsoft and Texas Instruments together is an insult to TI... even as a joke -_-" Oh well. I never blame myself, because at least for me, the programs I've written have never crashed on mine (I wouldn't know about anyone else's cause the only program I released generated zero feedback), and when I'm doing my math/science homework, it runs perfectly.
In short, I blame faulty coding.
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1 November 2005, 02:10 GMT
Re: What do you usually blame your calculator's crashes on?
Microsoft is definately the true scource of any crash on any equipment including if your Mac crashes because of Virtual PC
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31 October 2005, 00:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you usually blame your calculator's crashes on?
(Web Page)
TI-89 section programs: TI-Pang, TI-Chess, TI Fighter, TI-LIDS, TI-TiltMaze, TI-TimeWaste, TI-Minesweeper, TI Pinball, TIRayX, TiRogue, Ti Tetricon, Ti Tron, TI-Dictionary, TI-HIP...
TI-82: TI-Menu,
TI-83: TINuke, TI-Word, Ti-Rally, TiDoc, TI-Linux
Clearly the 89 has more than the others, and the 89 is what I deal with almost exclusively, as it is what I own, which may explain why you aren't familiar with the "ti-" names. However, there are clearly several which do name their programs with TI in them. I mean, maybe I made it seem like there are more than there really are, but I found these after about only a minute of scanning the archives. It's just what some people do.
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4 November 2005, 03:59 GMT
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