1 day.
1 week.
1 month.
3 months.
6 months.
1 year or more.
I don't program in assembly.
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
Paul Schippnick
(Web Page)
I haven't written any Z80 code as of yet. I have looked at the info TI has provided for the TI-86. Memory mapping. I had heared that the 85 could be programmed in ASM, but I didn't know about how it could be done until I came to TICALC.ORG. I would like to do it without using any of the shells. Stand alone type code for use with BASIC. I haven't grasped the concept as to how the code in a string in enter through the custom menu. I understand better about the TIMEX Sinclair putting the code in a REM statment. But I can see it is simular in that quoted strings are used as remark statments in TI Basic on the calculators. I do some programming on the TI-99/4A in assembly, but it is primarily to support BASIC programming. BASIC uses less memory. None of the assembly programs I have written are nuch over 1K. The last thing I was working on (not finished) is to allow TI Extended BASIC to use the 1 MAG AMS Card. I figure at the rate I am going it will be three years before I write any ASM for use with one of my calulators (two TI-85s, TI-86, TI-92(v1.11)). The TI-92 I believe will need the plus module. I will probably write code for my TI-86 first. The code for the TI-85 (both ROM's version 9.0) seems more intreguing.
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6 April 2000, 13:51 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
Brian Overman
(Web Page)
When I first got interested in assembly programming, I went to and went to their tutorial section, printed them all out, and read all of the documents. It wasn't until nearly a month or two until I actually sat in front of my computer and made a decent program. I think what the question refered to is "how long did it take you to create a program that you feel is some what decent and is almost all your own." that's how I interpret it to mean, because it took me about 3 months to create a decent ASM program.
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6 April 2000, 19:22 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
I can program in ASM for the 86 89 92 92+ I have an idea to write a program or a shell that will convert on calc between rom versions and if anyone is willing to help e mail me! IT will help everyone with an 89 92 92+
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6 April 2000, 20:55 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
Man i have tried to learn asm, but not really hard. I have a Ti-86. I know a little in basic programing but thats it! IF somone could tell me where there is a good tutorial, i could probly learn...
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6 April 2000, 22:57 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
Bobby Jackson
I learned these 68k commands in maybe a few days:
pea lea move.b move.w move.l
add.b add.w add.l sub.b sub.w sub.l
bra jsr bsr blt ble bge beq
In maybe a week or two:
muls.b muls.w muls.l mulu.b mulu.w mulu.l
divs.b divs.w divs.l divu.b divu.w divu.l
lsr.b lsr.w lsr.l lsl.b lsl.w lsl.l
and.b and.w and.l eor.b eor.w eor.l
or.b or.w or.l clr.b clr.w clr.l
In about a month:
movem.l adda.l suba.l dbra
That's about all I know of 68k assembly.
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7 April 2000, 02:16 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
I guess I learned the the basics in about a day, and a few other things under a week. Would it be enough to make anything worthwile? Probably not, but doesn't have to do with assembler but with the OS. Every OS has its perks just as much as every processor, and assembly definitly has less instructions and is more strict than OSs and their funtion calls, if nothing more bacause they can be upgraded...
My two cents... (and my first post)
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7 April 2000, 02:44 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
Will Stokes
(Web Page)
So I voted on this topic and looked at the results. I couldn't believe that !10% of people who votes said it took them only a week to learn asm! I'm a CS major at Cornell University, and I'll lend you all a little piece of advice, I'm STILL learning assembly. There are a lot of things you don't know about the asm you might be using, wether it be z80, 68k, MIPS, x86, or whatever. The point is, you will never know everthing there is to know (just like UNIX, Sigh). You can learn alot, but there will always be wizards (ala Andreas Ess) that will code circles around you. And even for those people out there their are others who are even better.
I'm currently a part of a team that writes AI for a bunch of robots that play soccer. The professor that is in charge of the project (robocup) I just found also programed for the z80 in assembly, WHEN HE WAS 13. "No biggie" you say? Well figure this, he did it in HEX, he started doing it on paper, then translated it by hand into hex which he typed into his computer. I know another guy who did the same for his Commodore64 back when we were all in dipers. Just a word from teh wise, it's cool to be sure of yourself, but don't get cocky. There are some wizards out there, and if you are lucky enough you just might me a few. I've been very lucky to meet 5-10 in my years so far, and I know I'm nothing like them....
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7 April 2000, 05:55 GMT

Re: Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
Wizards, huh? Ok, try this. Within 8 hours of buying my TI-86 (thus, this is complete time total) I had written a 3D Demo in BASIC (Basic = easy)
I started learning Z80 assembly, I wrote a simple GUI based SHELL in about a week. (no, I'm not lying)
About knowing everything about the assembly, I'm currently able to program in Z80, x86, and Motorola HC68 or something-like-that assembly. How well do I know the Z80? Well, I wrote my own emulator, (unlike VTI, I wrote my own Z80 core) I _KNOW_ the processor. I can code simple programs in HEX, without the assistance of an opcode map. (fairly easy when you learn where the commands fall) What about the x86? Well, the Z80 core is written IN x86 assembly! (runs the fastest I know of) True, I have things to learn about instruction ordering to take advantage of pipelining... blah blah blah... ja, there's more to learn, but when you're writting a dynamic recomplying emulator (current project) is there really THAT much more?
Sorry to rant and rave like that... but you assume no one can best your situation. There are people out there.
Also, I like to program in Assembly, it's fun! Plus, I like to get my hands dirty. (call me psycho)
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10 April 2000, 18:17 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
You know the only problem with this awesome site is there are so many people use it that the comment boards get overflowed with messages, and only the first 10 or so are replied to. I estimate not many people will read this comment and even fewer will reply. Oh well, the problems that come when a site has tons of traffic!
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8 April 2000, 04:28 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
I mainly program BASIC for the 82, later for the 89.
I feel so embarrassed. It took me, now that I've thought about it, 4 years to learn BASIC for the TI-82. Yes BASIC for the TI-82. Finnally I mastered it and am good at it, but now the TI-82 is almost "obsolete". I downloaded and downloaded tutorials, tips, etc. I could find on ASM for the 82 and I never could place into my head all those opcodes, words, letters, etc. By the time I learn ASM for the 82, there wont be a such thing as a TI-82. Pitiful ain't I?? I just bought a TI-89, now I wonder how long its gonna take me to learn BASIC for that. :-(
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9 April 2000, 04:13 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
I don't know any asm. I want to learn z80 asm for my TI-83+.
Any suggestions? I have only seen totorials for the TI-83, but have heard that their asm's are different, or is that untrue?
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9 April 2000, 22:53 GMT
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