1 day.
1 week.
1 month.
3 months.
6 months.
1 year or more.
I don't program in assembly.
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
That's a tough question. Maybe you mean how long did it take you to get fairly good at asm? It may take someone one day to read a tutorial and write a "Hello World" program, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they know how to program in assembly. There's a lot more to learning how to program than just the language. Unlike BASIC, assembly requires knowledge of the hardware as well, such as what ports do what, and how to communicate through them. Anyway, this rant is too long already, so I'll just finish by saying that even though I've been programming asm for quite some time now, I'm still learning.
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5 April 2000, 02:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
Well in my opinion, once you start to learn to deal with registers, and moving data in and out, and the basic priciples of assembly, you can apply them across the board. (only you hit brick walls left and right in a new assembly if it doesn't have all the registers/memory/opcodes you're used to) I took an assembly class in College, where we learned HC6811 assembly. I literally sat down, looked over the instruction set, and knew the language. 'course it had 2 8-bit registers, and 2 16-bit ones, and a very limited instruction set, so I was running around constantly going "ACK! NO REGISTER!" (register suffocation sucks.)
anyways, ranting...
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10 April 2000, 18:23 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
this question seems a tad too general; I took only about a month learning some of the commands, but it takes awhile to learn the logic of using them in different ways.
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5 April 2000, 04:13 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
(Web Page)
|'s been a month since i started to learn assembly and now the most complex program i could write is a sprite moving around an empty area. Does that count? I couldn't write a game like tunnel or something simple if my life depended on it right now...well...maybe if my life depended on it.
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5 April 2000, 04:58 GMT
Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
If you didn't put 1 Year down then you are either lying or have a much higher IQ than mine.
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5 April 2000, 06:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How long did it take you to learn to program in assembly language?
Nick Lewis
Y'know, Jason, I think that the main problem with many people and ASM is that they simply don't have the patience for it. Like you, I know that you know ASM like, perfectly, but you just weren't motivated enough. Then, after I smacked you around some, you went and fixed FreeCell. And just the other day, you made that undo feature. So I don't think it's intelligence or anything, just lack of motivation/time.
BTW, Jason and I go to the same school.
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13 April 2000, 12:35 GMT
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