Never! I'm super protective of it!
Once, but it landed softly
Once; it landed hard and stopped working
A few times, but it still works fine!
A few times, and sadly, it's no longer with us
Everyday; I'm pretty clumsy
I don't own a calculator
I drop other people's calculators
Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
Sebastian Schmied
My 83+ once got hit by a water balloon. It worked strange for three hours, then came back to normal. However the keys are still harder to press.
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4 September 2005, 11:46 GMT
Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
Sebastian Schmied
According to the poll's results, all calcs seem to be pretty solid. Well done, TI!
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4 September 2005, 13:00 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
My 83+ went 2+ years without a crash... Then I decided to press:
Y=, Clear, Graph, Y=, (zero), 2nd, (zero), cos, (Up)*5, Enter, vars, (right), Enter, Enter, (comma), vars, (up), enter, enter, enter*10, Y=
And that was my first crash... As for RAM clears:
And that was my first "virus"...
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8 September 2005, 00:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
Well, On every single ti-83 (+,SE) I've ever tried it on it has worked. Just to be clear:
You press Y=, clear, graph, y=, (zero)
Then You formulate the expression: Equ->String(Y1,Str1
then you press Enter a whole bunch of times, and then Y= once more. Your calculator is "special" if it doesn't crash. It's a technical default imbedded in the 83 series' ROM. Either way, the program still works.
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8 September 2005, 04:49 GMT
Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
(Web Page)
My 83SE has gone through quite a bit.
It's a good thing I keep it in my backpack, though, or it would be completely broken.
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4 September 2005, 23:31 GMT
Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
(Web Page)
I've dropped my 86 a decent number of times (usually on a carpet, though) and it has a few scratches, but except for that is just like new. Haven't dropped my 83+ yet, but it looks like the previous owner did (got it used from eBay) - the text is partly worn off half the keys, some of them stick, there are deep scratches in the back, and both rubber "feet" are missing.
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5 September 2005, 16:06 GMT
Re: Have you ever dropped your calculator?
I dropped my TI-84+SE many times, but the scariest was when I was at the foot of metal stairs and it was in my hand. I swung it, and it flew out of the case, hit the sixth step, bounced on every step below it, and hit the wall. The batteries came out, as well as the cover for the secondary battery. For some reason, not only did it survive, but it seems to work fster! But please, do NOT recreate the above scene in hope that it will speed up your calc. If you do, I WAIVE ALL RESPONSIBILITY!!!!
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6 September 2005, 02:29 GMT
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