Less than a year
One year
Two years
Three to five years
Six to eight years
Nine to ten years

More than ten years
I don't actually own a graphing calculator; I just borrow one from other people
Re: How long have you owned your graphing calculator for?
My grandparents bought me a TI-92 back in 1998. I upgraded it to a TI-92 Plus a few months later. In the meanwhile, I found a TI-85 at Target for $40 in 1999. Then my TI-92 Plus busted, so I sent it back to TI and they sent me a new TI-92 Plus in 2001. I picked up a TI-83+ on eBay in 2003. Last month, a guy at my school sold me a TI-89 for $75. So now I have four graphing calculators. All of them work great. Mostly I have them to loan to my friends at school for tests.
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31 May 2005, 17:23 GMT
Re: How long have you owned your graphing calculator for?
I've had my own 84+silver for about 9 months. Previously I used my parents 81 for 2 yrs. before I got my 84. The 81 had some awesome math programs I wrote for my math competitions, but unfortunately its RAM cleared and I can't get them back. I learned to program on my brothers 83+silver about 2 yrs., so I decided it was time to get my own calc. Anyways check out Bandit a basic rpg for the 83+/84+ series and send me some feedback. The map is almost finished now and I will get another release out soon. I'm progressing on writing the cave walking sequence, but have had some delay as I lost my RAM and have to make up a weeks worth of work. Email me at just to see if my email works.
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31 May 2005, 23:43 GMT
Re: How long have you owned your graphing calculator for?
I got my first graphing calc (a TI-86) in eighth grade (2 years ago) for Algebra II. They were required. It was fun learning to program it... Good times. I got an 89 Titanium last summer, or whenever they came out.
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1 June 2005, 00:28 GMT
Re: How long have you owned your graphing calculator for?
(Web Page)
I've had my TI-89 Titanium for less than a year. I ordered a TI-84+ SE on eBay and the seller was out of stock, so I ended up getting the TI-89 Titanium for only $70. It was a pretty good deal, if you ask me ;p
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1 June 2005, 04:31 GMT
Re: How long have you owned your graphing calculator for?
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
10 years with my Ti-85 and this is my second one.
My first Ti-85 I literialy programmed it to death.
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2 June 2005, 00:59 GMT
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