11-50 places
51-100 places
101-250 places

251+ places
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
That 22 after the decimal, I just added the last 8 since monday because of pi day yesterday(I knew the others only after looking at my calculator pi every so often)
Anyway I've been so bored in math that I have been cutting out a picture of the cover of Sqt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band to tape over the TI-89 plastic screen outline thingie, it looks pretty cool with the middle of the picture over the screen.
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16 March 2000, 02:07 GMT
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
Josh Storz
hey, why isn't there a place for NO digits of pi, or the whole thing :) not like anyone on a calculator site won't know at least 3.14...
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16 March 2000, 03:05 GMT
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
I know 35,759 numbers of pi. I'd like to see anybody beat THAT!!!
If you'd like to know what they are, send me an e-mail.
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16 March 2000, 04:08 GMT

Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
Yeah, i know every single digit of pi. I swear. Theres 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0
Hey, when did i say i knew em in order...
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18 March 2000, 03:46 GMT
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
Just some information:
I'm pretty sure the world record is in the 40,000's. Yes, that's fourty thousand.
It only takes 30 digits to calculate the circumference of the known universe from it's radius, to an accuracy greater than the width of a hydrogren atom.
There's an algorithm that can figure out arbitrary digits of pi, that is, it can find the one billionth digit without having to find the ones before. The catch is that it only works in base 16. I think there's one for base 2 also.
I only have 31 memorized. The most I've seen someone do in real life is 45.
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16 March 2000, 05:38 GMT
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
I recall 12 due to one phrase in Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian language:
"Jos i krug u skoli upoznajes da naucis obime ili duzine kruznica"
with meaning
"Even a circle in school you meet to learn perimeters or round lenghts"
Length of every word in the phrase represent one digit.
(The trick is usefull until first zero. How to say zero-length word?)
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16 March 2000, 21:57 GMT
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
one of my classmates memorized the entire periodic table
teachers tend to memorized alot of constants
our mathteacher could calculate ln-logaritms in his head
but if work as a teacher for 35 years thats whats happens
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17 March 2000, 10:52 GMT
Re: How many digits of pi can you recite from memory?
Paul Schippnick
(Web Page)
22/7 = 3.142857...142857...
355/113 = 3.14159290354...
1146408/364913 = 3.14159265359...14159265359...
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17 March 2000, 12:15 GMT
Brad Luczywo
(Web Page)
Does anyone else remember the Simpsons, when Homer and Marge tell the story of how Lisa got her sax? Well, in that one, at the "higher learning" preschool, there are two little girls doing a patty-cake like game, only it's geared towards pi. They end up listing 20 or so numbers.
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17 March 2000, 16:27 GMT
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