Science (Physics, Chemistry, etc.)
All of the above
Other (Please list below!)
Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Algebra and programming, but mainly algebra. Remember that fake news article about Joey being in the 'Al-gebra' terrorist group? 120d\!
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10 November 2004, 23:10 GMT
Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
(Web Page)
Hey cmon why else would i use my calculator! of course i use it mainly for programming!!! i do use it for my math class, a wee bit for science, and i actually use the organize app for the 83+ since its pretty simple to keep everything i do on my calc. yea but definently prgramming, although i'm learning ASM right now, but BASIC programs to piss off my friends is always fun!!!
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10 November 2004, 23:20 GMT
Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Originally, I bought a Casio color graphic calculator for math purposes. I started up in BASIC then, and would program in stuff on the calculator. Later on, I found out that the TI series had assembler code as an option (be it through a loop-hole (85) or otherwise) and bought me an 86. Sometime later, the 89 came out and I traded my 86 in for an 89 and ever since then I haven't used the calculator for math. :) I just program away on it, program and game. Of course, through the years, that 89 has been used for "unofficial" help during tests and the like, hehe. Wonder if people buy TI's for "aid" in school? ;)
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11 November 2004, 02:02 GMT
Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
I use my v200 for programming, gaming, and writing a novel, and my 83+ for math and graphing.
Anyone know how to do vectors on the v200?
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11 November 2004, 18:29 GMT

TE vs. NoteFolio
>>I never wrote a novel, but I do write a LOT in the text editor.
I write a lot on my TI-89Ti in much the same ways. However, I actually find NoteFolio to be much better, with automatic archiving, grouping, no colons starting lines, etc. It's much better than almost any organizer, too. What else can organize, keep notes on meetings, track baseball stats, etc., and keep it all safe from runaway ASM programs, while being extremely portable?
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16 November 2004, 21:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Following the customs of linear algebra, vectors and matricies are extremely closely linked already. It's actually quite fitting that the same notation can be used to define either entity.
'Define the direction'? Not too sure what you mean by that. If you enter [a,b,c] you get a 3-d row vector with x-coord 'a', y-coord 'b' and z-coord 'c'. If you enter [[a,b,c]] you get the same vector. If you enter [[a][b][c]] you get a 3-d column vector with (x,y,z) = (a,b,c). Either way, it is still a vector that the TI68k can use. But, you shouldn't mix row and column vectors in a single vector operation. Use the Transpose function where necessary.
Where is the Transpose function, you ask? Inside the Math menu, Matrix submenu. Or, check the catalog.
The dot product is called by
dotP(vect1, vect2)
The cross product (only works for vectors of 3 dimensions or less) is
crossP(vect1, vect2)
The norm of a vector is calculated by
The unit vector is calculated by
or by
Or do you mean, what do these functions mean? If you don't know what a dot product is, then you probably don't need to care about how the TI68k treats them, so the post would be a little pointless, wouldn't it?
Anyway, all of the vector-specific operations are available from the Vector sub-sub-menu of the Matrix sub-menu of the Math menu. Many of the other matrix operations in the Matrix menu will also work with vectors. Of special interest, once you start working in linear algebra, is the ability to extract rows or columns from larger matricies, and treat them a vectors!
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17 November 2004, 01:27 GMT
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