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There is little that I can do to crash my TI-80/81
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
Travis Evans
The only accidental TI-OS crash I remember encountering was many years ago on the TI-82. I was drawing something (I think a calendar) on the graph screen for fun, and then when I tried to exit to the Home Screen, the calculator simply froze. No display glitches, nothing spectacular, just frozen. After a day passed and the calculator still hadn't shut off (and was draining the batteries very rapidly), I had to finally take out the batteries and lose my RAM (and all my BASIC programs). That happened before I had a calc-computer link cable (much less a computer) and before I had heard of ASM, so that was a big deal to me at the time.
For a while, my TI-89 had been crashing quite often. This was partly due to ASM programs, and partly due to the batteries somehow running down before the low battery message got triggered (took me a while to figure that one out--seems to happen often with rechargeable batteries). Now, I haven't had any problems in a long time (I test the batteries every once in a while, and haven't run many ASM programs for some time).
All the other crashes I remember were either done on purpose (taking advantage of ROM bugs) just for fun, or by ASM programs. The ASM crashes have taught me to make a serious habit of backing up my data on a very regular basis.
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17 October 2004, 01:23 GMT
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
Travis Evans
This might be an interesting question--which crashes more often, your computer or your calculator?
System crashes on my computer are infrequent, but I encounter a lot of software crashes (often one or more per day).
It's hard to make that separation on the calculator, because generally when an ASM program crashes, the whole system basically crashes, too. (Kind of like DOS, I guess.)
Overall, I'd say from experience that TI-OS by itself is very stable, and TI's programmers did a good job. Unfortunately, many third-party ASM programs aren't as stable.
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17 October 2004, 01:34 GMT
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