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There is little that I can do to crash my TI-80/81
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
Jiaqi Wu
Mine never crashes anymore since I don't run all sorts of these crazy asm programs that often anymore.
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12 October 2004, 23:52 GMT
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
Paul Houser
(Web Page)
The battery holders on my TI-80 are really crappy, so it'll lose power in the middle of usage. I don't think that qualifies as a crash, but what the smeg.
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13 October 2004, 16:54 GMT
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
I use my calculators all the time.
But thanks to a strict diet of only BASIC programs, all three of my calculators (83+, 86, 92) never crash. yay. Who needs ASM when you have the mind numbing genius to be able to manipulate BASIC into the ultimate tool.
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13 October 2004, 21:16 GMT
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
(Web Page)
My 83+s used to crash until I got rid of the apps. And I have crashed my 83+SE testing my Age of Darkness game...
For some reason, The calc doesn't like unfinished BASIC code... lol
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13 October 2004, 23:13 GMT
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
(Web Page)
Does anyone know any specific way to crash a TI-81 (without modifying any hardware)?
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14 October 2004, 02:05 GMT
Re: How often does your calculator crash?
Jeremiah Walgren
(Web Page)
When I first got my calculator about two and a half years ago, things went okay at first. Then I started putting asm programs on it. That's when it started crashing big time. At least once a day... But then I finally figured everything out, and I think the last time it crashed would've been more than a year ago...
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14 October 2004, 03:42 GMT

Re: Re: How often does your calculator crash?
(Web Page)
Yes, that's how it tends to progress. You get the calculator, and it's fine. Put some games on it, and it gets so unstable that you're scared to turn it on in fear of a RAM Clear. Then, you finally get enough courage to turn it out, and you are greeted by the friendly RAM Cleared message, and you try to figure out what made your calc so messed up. Then you find out that you can control the calculator better by actually R(ing)TFM! This actually helps...
Well, that was my useless rant that has nothing to do with this comment, but Jeremiah Walgren is happy now because someone replied to his comment and he's not a loser that no one replies to because he's a n00b...
Wow, I can rant about ranting; is that not weird?
Ok, I'll end this seemingly meaningless post that will probably get deleted because of its nonsense content...
Well, there I go again.. I'm ranting about ranting about ranting..
(: I could go on forever and ever and ever... :)
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14 October 2004, 03:57 GMT
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