Re: What is your gender?
In my school, everything's about equal. NOBODY knows how to use a calculator. There's this one girl that doesn't even know how to link. she doesn't even know it exists!!! Only a select few know the true power of the calculator. Me and a few of my friends are the only ones who know about this stuff, and we are the Calculator Gurus in the school. It's all pretty pitiful. There's this one guy that thinks that he's the best programer in the school, and he doesn't even know how to do the getkey statement for basic! There is this one programming group in shcool, but their games SUCK because all they know how to program in is basic, and probably the most advanced statement they know is menu( or Pause. I live in the Calculator Stone Age in my school. There are only a few who own TI-89's and they never even heard of an ASM. My friends and I concentrate our advanced programming skills, compared to everybody else, on viruses and gliches in the TI-83(+) ROM (in ASM and BASIC). Its quite fun to see your Calculator-ignorant enemy wonder why his/her calculator is saying "Memory Cleared".
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29 January 2000, 00:45 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
Josh Salisbury
<non-sexist>Personally, I find girls who are both good looking and love calculators and programming to be very attractive.</non-sexist>
I once conducted an expirament to see if I was alone: I went on IRC and told everyone in a channel I was a girl and eventually told them I loved to code. Suddenly everyone wanted me to have their children and marry them etc etc...
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29 January 2000, 05:36 GMT
Where am i
Beavis Comeavis
(Web Page)
i'm not very good at computers.
is this a chat room.
where can i find some chat rooms?
hello? I hate this internet. I'm going to send a complaint to you jerks for your stupid internet.
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30 January 2000, 03:15 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
Chris Fazio
I'm a male, and i'm not really suprised at the results here. Even without looking at a person's name on the message board, i can tell if it is a male or female. it's just a gift i have. same with cars. you can tell by looking at a car if it belongs to a man or woman. BTW i've only seen 1 nerdy girl in my life, and NONE of the girls at my school (non-sexist) know how to use the old crappy TI-82's that they issue. Come to think of it, NOBODY does except me i think! Some peeps make games, but they suck really badly because they are text games. Everyone was like "WOW" when they saw duckhunt in BASIC. Then one kid edited the program, put HIS name in it, and distributed it around the school! not only that, he claimed he was a better programmer than I, and he didn't know how to even display text on the screen! Some people deserve a royal beating!
but if people at my school knew i came here, everyone would make fun of me. that sucks! why is "nerdiness" linked to computers and programming all the time? stereotypes suck! well i don't really care. i let people think what they want of me (except girls!) and to hell with them.
ok i'm gonna stop writing, i think i'm getting carpal tunnel, and i'm gonna stop wasting your time. L8r!
~~~Chris Fazio~~~
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31 January 2000, 15:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your gender?
Chris Fazio
sorry laura. the 82 is a very good calculator, but i'm used to the almighty power of the TI-89! i bought the 82 last year, then a whil later got the 86 and gave the 82 to my brother (and he lost it!) when i got the 89, my brother thought the 86 was his! he even scratched his name into the back!!!! you might think i'm getting nowhere with this conversation, but you see, through the gradual change of calculators, i got to the 89. you see, the 89 is a little better than the 86, the 86 is a bit better than the 82, and that makes the 89 a lot better than the 82. get my drift?
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1 February 2000, 03:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your gender?
(Web Page)
This just in:
Dalton Ohio:
I was walking along the side of the road, coming home from the party I had last night when all I can remember was a sound or flash of light and the words "Mem Cleared" and "Defaults Set"..I was dumbfounded..Then I realized what had happened, as I lay in the bed of the intensive care unit at the Dalton General Hospital. I was another victim of the dreaded TI-82.
Reports like these are streaming in from all around the country and world. The 82 has struck again...The TI-82 is on the loose...Will anyone be saved from the crumminess? Perhaps. Doctors and scientists might have developed what may be a cure for the disabled victims and a weapon against the dreaded calculator itself.
The cure, you ask? Well, it is easy, reduce the hospital bill enough, but tell the patients that they owe $158.33 more than it costs so that they can go get an 89.
The weapon? Well, our reporters have found out that the United States military is going to pull off an all out assault on one TI Factory, hoping to release the most devastating item in their arsenal: The HP-49
It is rumored that when a HP sees a TI, it tries to tear the calculator to shreds without and care for itself. The HP usually dies futivily in the process, but the army is hoping to win due to strength in numbers. A great many of brave calculators like 86's and 89's will die in this fight, but they will not be lost in vain. I beg you countrymen, a moment of silence on Tuesday, Feburary 8th, the supposed date when the Operation Die-TI takes place.
Thank you,
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5 February 2000, 07:02 GMT
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