Re: What is your gender?
What about converted or not decided? We gotta accommadate everybody. It's not politically correct. I think it would be an interesting survey to see if people program or just play.
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24 January 2000, 05:13 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
Erich Oelschlegel
(Web Page)
Is it me, or did do a survey on this already? I remember very well a survey with 3 options: male, female, and I don't know. Tell me if I'm wrong.
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24 January 2000, 06:29 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
Luke Haywas
(Web Page)
Wow, I had expected this, but -- 253 to 2???? That's a huge gap. Well it explains why whenever my classmates ask me something about their calculator, guys ask me to load games onto theirs and girls ask how graph or something. In fact, I know a few girls who have calcs pretty decent for games (86, etc) yet politely REFUSE when I ask if they want me to put games on them! Do they ENJOY school or something? Half the time I see a guy using a TI-xx, he's rapidly pressing only the Left, Right, & 2nd keys... wonder what he's doing huh.
Well I am one of them too, gotta kill those 6 hours somehow.
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24 January 2000, 06:34 GMT

Re: Re: What is your gender?
Anna R
Contrary to what some people seem to think, many girls use calculators and computers and very much enjoy them. However, I know quite a variety of guys and girls who don't allow games on their calculators, for various reasons, often prefering to do various levels of math. Personally, I consider this question rather inappropriate simply because it opens up such a large amount of insults upon both genders. just becuse we don't have a lot of girls voting, does not mean that they don't appreciatetechnology; it means this particular website does not appeal to them or they do not care to vote (I for one didn't) One a side note tpo the people who asked about transexuals, your gender is the sex you feel yourself to be, ot which you actually are, so if they feel closer to one or the other that would be the proper gender to put.
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14 May 2000, 05:20 GMT
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