
Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your gender?
(Web Page)
nope, I'm guessing no HTML tags because of the fear of links, pics, REALLY crappy looking fonts, colors, and text, and of course, the infamous, <i>,<b>,and <ul> tags.
special [k]
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27 January 2000, 05:00 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
(Web Page)
We need the 2 females so far to tell us the story. If any girls read this, read through the other replies and tell us what you think on the various opinions on females and calculators so far, please. (If there are actually any females out there! Some people might have lied for laughs...)
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23 January 2000, 21:40 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
What would be interesting to find out is how many women actually _program_ for calculators...some great computer/video games in the past have been programmed almost exclusively by women. Hmm, considering only two women have so far taken part in the survey, I doubt we'll hear from any women programmers...but if you're out there, respond!
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23 January 2000, 21:41 GMT
Re: What is your gender?
(Web Page)
Well, I'm the *other* girl who voted. I am actually very surprised about these results...I know that math is male-dominated, from experience in competition, but I didn't think that it was this shifted... And as for why there is such a great difference, I really don't know.
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24 January 2000, 02:20 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your gender?
Matthew Hernandez
(Web Page)
Math programs are the best (hear my out)! For some reason, games the certain aspect of temporary entertainment/fun. True, there are several games out there that you play constantly (I, for example, constantly play ZTetris and Insane Game--since it came out, but it will stay on my calc). But math programs seem to never end their amazement. For example, last year in Geometry (my freshman year--I very good I might add!) I made a laws of sines and cosines program that is simply awesome! (You can get it at It is VERY easy to use and input numbers with many options and ALL possible ways of solving for sides and angles. The best thing, though, is the fact that it displays the work! Just like you would do on paper! I forgot all about it until two weeks ago when we picked up sines and cosines in Trigonometry (this year being my sophmore year--yet another good one so far!). When taking notes on the lesson, I started to remember how much space and simple calculations *can* be necessary for solving a triangle (escpecially when you have to use law of sines, then cosines, then back to sines!). Well, I got home and put the program on my calc for test the next day (we do two sections a day, two chapters a week, and two chapter tests a week--we are flying through the book!). Well, several problems required maybe a whole page to work...but with the program I could just input the numbers and copy the work [and solution] to the paper! Very simple! That sort-of amazed me! Think about it, what is better than something that makes life easier?!?! Games simply don't offer that factor! Well, there is my two cents worth on program types.
Matt H.
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25 January 2000, 01:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your gender?
Ralph Rogers
hey man - instead of making programs to do your work for you, do the work.
i can appreciate not wanting to do the work, but i am surrounded by people who don't have many basic math skills cause they use their calc's.
most math things can be done by hand without too much work. there are a few exceptions, but these only occur for a short period of time, so by the time you make the program, you don't need it.
ie - i made a chem prog by entering all this data on the elements, atomic number, etc, and then made it balance, do percent stuff, all sorts of shit, and then i didn't need it, because i had learned how to do chem and i could do it - it's the same with math!
with practice, you can do it easily on your own.
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3 February 2000, 04:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your gender?
Matthew Hernandez
(Web Page)
I was going to be quite, and *try* to be humble (somewhat)...but all this reference to "nerds" makes me sick. Just because you are interested in technology doesn't mean you are a nerd. Yes, you may be interested in it AND be the nerd who sits in the front of the class, wear thick glasses, tight pants, etc. BUT, programming calculators (or playing them) may simply be a hobby, just like a sport can be, or fishing. SO, just because you are interested in different things doesn't you are a nerd! Plain and simple! I enjoy programming a lot (enough to make it my profession when I'm out of high school and college) but am far from a "nerd". Yes, I understand you all may be joking, but it gets old (the saying: you are beating a dead horse...or: shooting a dead dog). Well, yet again I have breached the given terms of following the topic (but I think surveys have a lot more bends, no?), so I'll stop.
Matt H.
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25 January 2000, 01:45 GMT
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