Yes, all the time
Yes, but only if the person really needs it
Yes, although I'm hesitant to do so
Yes, though I give them one of my expendable calculators
No, it's MY calculator, it's their own fault that they don't have one
No, I'm too overprotective of my calculator
No, no one ever asks to borrow my calculator
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
(Web Page)
I like lending my calcs out because I know they cause confusion. The 49g causes the most confusion with its RPN, but my 89 is just as confusing.
For example I'll set the APD to 30 seconds (something small), hand it to someone, then when it turns off they can't turn the 89 back on again, because the password program TSR (I wrote) will not let the calc turn back on unless certain keys are being held down. It will go on briefly, then turn off imediately.
Also my 89 periodically prints in the status line "It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.
So people have stopped asking to borrow my calculators.
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2 June 2004, 03:37 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Sure, if by "calculator" you mean "pencil and paper" or "fingers". :-)
Actually, I would lend out my calc if someone really needs it.
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2 June 2004, 04:10 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Well, only friends ask to borrow it, and they only borrow it for the games. Specifically my own game: cruel (it is in the archives). They are too confused by the 89 to actually ask to do math on it. I remember in 8th, my friend Jonathan created a basic program for it to have a display like the 83+. But everyone had an 83+, because it was required for the course, so no body asked to use my 89.
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2 June 2004, 17:16 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
I am very hesitant to lend out my calc. I only do so if I trust the person. I once lent my calc out to a kid (I have an 83, not a plus) and in the time that he used it for his math test, he managed to ally CLEAR MY RAM, eliminating all my progs (stupid 83 w/o archive). I was upset. I had some good stuff on there. Good thing I periodically back it up on my comp.
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2 June 2004, 17:55 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
i don't mind lending out my calc to people in my class because they also have the same calc and i can just take theirs if they brake mine. the only reason they ask for it is because i have a whole bunch of programs and apps and they want to use them. i am willig to give them the stuff but they say that they don't want them because they think that i will just mess up their calc. but i mean c'mon i know more about them then my teacher who's been using them for at least 5 years and i've only had mine since september. o well school is almost over with 3 exam days next week. wahoo! (hat wasn't a wagoo for the exam's)
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2 June 2004, 19:06 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
i lended out my 83+ se for a year, got it back, but the same kid needed it again the following year (2 years ago) and he lost it... and still hasn't compensated for it.
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2 June 2004, 20:30 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Leo Jimenez
I never let anyone borrow my calculator because it's not something that I can easily buy. If it gets lost, I am not getting a new one. People who want it usually tell me that they will buy me a new one if they lose it, but they lie. The only time I ever let people use my calculator is when I am right there with them.
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2 June 2004, 21:12 GMT
Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
I tend to lend it to girls who need it (gotta try) and usualy try to lend it out for Money to buy my next calc Though I still keep a good eye on it and I am so used to it in my right pocket that sometimes I go parinoid of where it is while I am playing a game a little obsevive but I love it
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3 June 2004, 00:26 GMT
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