Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
Benjamin Moody
Will be, but I hope to continue hacking occasionally. You won't see me so often, but I'll still be lurking in the shadows.
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14 May 2004, 12:55 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
I will be graduating from a 2 year business school with an associates. Then I'm off to get a bachelor's in Finance.
Yay! My survey suggestion got used! hehe
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14 May 2004, 13:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
Jake Griffin
(Web Page)
i cood git en 'F' an stil bee nummer howm skoold! Actually, I have got straight A's this semester which helped to continue my 4.0! And for all you honor's students at schools that give 5.0 for an A, I don't wanna hear it. I was (and will be for one more year) in honor's at Chandler-Gilbert Community College throughout my last two years of high school. Sorry if this sounds like bragging, but I'm am just very proud of my achievements. However, I'm a little upset with ASU right now, because an illegal alien that I know, who is an average student (probably about a 2.75 gpa or so, technically that's SLIGHTLY above average) got a FULL RIDE, when I got NADA as a 4 point student. Scholarships are being given away, but politics are getting involved in it more and more, so they are taking preference to "foreigners"...even if they aren't legal citizens. </venting>
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16 May 2004, 06:53 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
No graduating. I'm a HS Junior, so next year. I just got my ring yesterday. NHS on one side, adademics on the other, Quiz Bowl under the stone, and "One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all" in Tengwar on the inside (no, I didn't have room for the last line). This proves I have no life. There ought to be a ring-side option for members. I would have gotten that.
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14 May 2004, 14:29 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
I graduate in 8 days. I have to leave my band room of 4 years. boohoo.
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14 May 2004, 20:25 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
Heh, you hit me right in the middle. :)
I graduated from High School last spring.
I will graduate from Junior College (hopefully) next spring.
Then a couple more for a Bachelor's, and a couple more for a Masters, then ... I hopefully can stop. :P
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14 May 2004, 21:58 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Sadly, that honour will be next year. And contrary to popular belief, I will be graduating with the rest of my class.
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14 May 2004, 23:38 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
Jiaqi Wu
I say yes only because I'm graduating from junior high. Otherwise no.
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14 May 2004, 23:43 GMT
Re: Will you be graduating this Spring?
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
Well, I'm at high school this year, and I'll be attending University next year, but no, i'm not graduating this spring...
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14 May 2004, 23:52 GMT
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