The real world? What's that?
Yes, but only once
Yes, but only a few times

Yes, on a regular basis
Re: Have you ever met anyone else from the TI community in the real world?
Greg Miller
(Web Page)
i have on multiple occasions.. i didnt know he was on ticalc untill just recently, i thot i was the only one in my group of friends that was on here. But as far as strangers from ticalc, i know no one.
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3 May 2004, 04:30 GMT
Re: Have you ever met anyone else from the TI community in the real world?
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
Nope, cant say that I have. But I wonder, is anyone here from anywhere in the san francisco bay area, or the monterey bay area? Or even (highly unlikely) from Angels Camp CA or another town in that area?
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3 May 2004, 05:04 GMT
Re: Have you ever met anyone else from the TI community in the real world?
Jake Griffin
(Web Page)
The only one who I know (in the "real" world) that goes to this site is my friend from michigan who introduced it to me. Also, I know a few people in my school have searched "Jake Griffin" on Google, and my ticalc Author Profile page came up...that's about it though. I voted "no" anyway because none of the people I know that have been to this site are true ticalc'ers...not even the one who showed me the site. He just likes taking other peoples programs, and he INSISTS that there is a way to expand memory indefinitly using a program that he has written...I'm not letting that program TOUCH my TI89...It's too risky ;)
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3 May 2004, 16:38 GMT
Re: Have you ever met anyone else from the TI community in the real world?
We ought to get together sometime. Have a big picnic thingy with people from around the world in someplace that is a central airport hub like New York (also, NY has Central Park). I live in Louisiana, so I am not just vouching for someplace near me. We could have program trading, refreshments, program ideas shared. Maybe even do it annually. And we might just get on CNN's little blue sub-news ticker. Maybe we'll invite a TI rep.
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3 May 2004, 20:12 GMT
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