Archivers reject meaningless files
Rating system
New folders
Keep everything the same

With the number of quadratic solvers in the archives, and the trouble it takes to find the good programs in the BASIC section, it's sad that 2 people voted that everything's fine as it is.
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6 March 2004, 15:11 GMT
Re: What method of controlling the quality of the archives do you prefer?
Jiaqi Wu
It is kinda stupid what people put in these archives. I think that we should really avoid stuff that is our "first programs" or whatever and stuff that is already built into the calculator unless the program can do it either extremely fast or just something that can actually benifit someone.
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6 March 2004, 19:52 GMT
Re: What method of controlling the quality of the archives do you prefer?
Eugene Talagrand
(Web Page)
If you're looking for something in particular, the current folder system isn't very good.
First of all, if I'm looking for a periodic table, do I really care if it was written in assembly or BASIC?
Also, the science, math and programs folders really are too general. If I want an Ohm's law program, I don't want to be bothered with a pH calculator.
As for games -- there are many good BASIC games that are overlooked because everyone goes to the asm directory anyways -- maybe the two categories could be merged and a sorting by rating could separate the wheat from the chaff?
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6 March 2004, 23:39 GMT
Re: What method of controlling the quality of the archives do you prefer?
(Web Page)
I'm willing to bet this has already been said but since I have neither the time nor the patience to sift through all those messages, I think a rating system would be good IF done properly. For one, if just anybody, member or not, can vote on a program then it'd get out of hand. Maybe have a set review form where you have to fill in actual, legitimate values and give explainations as to why you gave it that. Of course, for the amount of files that are already out there, this would be a major pain in the butt unless they simply said "screw it!" and removed all the files and started fresh...pissing off pretty much everyone that has uploaded SOMETHING...
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8 March 2004, 04:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What method of controlling the quality of the archives do you prefer?
(Web Page)
but, like i said, any idiot can give a particular review or rating to a file. Heck, if I wanted, I could use all the old e-mail addresses I have, make memberships out of them, then give fantastic ratings to my own programs. Heck, I could do the same with reviews. The difference is that with reviews you'd have to actually GIVE a reason to why you gave it that rating. In any case, at this point of development it's going to take a long time to get whatever they have in mind implemented from the sheer volume of files here...and if they do it by ratings then everything is going to start out with the same rating (0, presumably) and nothing will have really changed...
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8 March 2004, 19:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What method of controlling the quality of the archives do you prefer?
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
yeah, ok i agree that that may happen. But its not a problem for a few reasons:
1. It isnt worth the effort for _most_ people to do that
2. If the "honest", or at least reasonably fair, people were to see a program that had been given a ton of good reviews, even though they know it is terrible, then they would go ahead and give it some bad ratings, maybe even bad reviews, to help offset all of the good ratings.
Not many programs would suffer from the rating problem, so it wouldnt be hard to fix. I know that if i saw some awful "game" that doesnt do anything and it had 30 ratings of 5 stars, then id give it a 0 and then write an accompanying review to let people know not to trust the ratings it has.
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8 March 2004, 20:42 GMT
Re: What method of controlling the quality of the archives do you prefer?
(Web Page)
I said reject meaningless files, but here's my idea!!
Create a rating system, and all programs below a certain rating are rejected.
Also, perhaps, to comb through the old ones and reject stupid memory-wasters (my favorite being the "calc clean-out" programs), TI-Calc could make a feature where the users (that's us) rate the program. After about five (or more... shrug) ratings, if the average is below the standard, bye bye!
How does that sound?
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9 March 2004, 12:51 GMT
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