No, Magnus is that good!
Re: Did you notice any ill effects from the most recent updates?
W Hibdon
Well, no not because magnus is doing a good job -- and I am sure that he is -- but because I have not been around here lately. I have been making my own webpage, and it is rather all consuming as pertains to my time. What has been going on any way?
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25 February 2004, 20:54 GMT
Re: Did you notice any ill effects from the most recent updates?
Blah Poop
(Web Page)
It has stopped updating files. The server must be behind or somebody (hmm... I wonder who) is not putting it on the server for download. hmm.... someone must have planned this.....
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26 February 2004, 00:22 GMT
Re: Re: Did you notice any ill effects from the most recent updates?
I have a theory: If you put 1,000,000 typewriting monkey in charge of 1,000,000 internet servers for 1,000,000 years, you will end up with 1,000,000 programs being uploaded to per day. We should try that! Oh, wait...forgot. Of those 1,000,000 programs, 999,999 of them are 83+ Basic Quadratic Formula programs....nevermind... ;)
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26 February 2004, 00:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you notice any ill effects from the most recent updates?
<Shout> Oh fortune, why do you mock me? All hail the archivers, who hold the fate of the updates, no, the very world in their hands. </shout>
<Shout> Oh fortune, why do you mock me? All hail the archivers, who hold the fate of the updates, no, the very world in their hands. </shout>
<Shout> Oh fortune, why do you mock me? All hail the archivers, who hold the fate of the updates, no, the very world in their hands. </shout>
Reply to this comment
26 February 2004, 19:54 GMT
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