Multiple times

If I kept it I would have
I don't own a calculator
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
I've had to get a new calculator 3 times using the warranty.
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14 February 2004, 00:25 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
parker bush
I almost did and Im sure some others of you have had the same problem. The calculator will randomly copy programs and call the output z3___ or some similar name. the program wont run, is the exact size of some other program, and resets the calculator occasionaly. I had to reinstall the OS to fix it-- has anyone else had this problem on the 83+!?
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14 February 2004, 00:43 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
Nope, never have. Nothing really bad has ever happened to my 83+. I'ts been dropped a few times, and the + button has a habit of sticking a little, but that's it.
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14 February 2004, 01:42 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
W Hibdon
Actually, that would be, "If I had not voided it." but that is close enough.
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14 February 2004, 04:24 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
has anymone mentioned that the last option should be "It was useless, so I have no calculator?"
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15 February 2004, 18:49 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
um, physically my calc is fine, electricly however my calc has gotten to the point where it crashes 2 or more times a day. The circuits must be screwed, had it for almost 3 years so thats way past warranty. One crash made my screen turn a bright blue,the whole screen, weird. I have a 83+.
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16 February 2004, 04:20 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
(Web Page)
My "friend" actually complained that his calculator was beyond the repair I could make... I had him send it to TI, and he got mad. I don't see why, his calculator was in a horrible state of abuse (like scratchings all over the moulding, missing buttons, etc.), and it was right after the HW2 calcs came out, so he got a brand new calculator with the updated hardware, for free.... and he got mad!! g*r^4
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16 February 2004, 13:58 GMT
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