Multiple times

If I kept it I would have
I don't own a calculator
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
I had to send my 89 to TI when the LCD broke. The contrast was really messed up on one side. TI fixed it and sent it back to me free of charge :)
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13 February 2004, 23:00 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
Justin McKinley
If mine was still useable, I might. The bottom 9 ROWS of pixles are... not working. Anything that sould be displayed isn't, but if there is alot on in the rest of the screen, some random lines show up.
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13 February 2004, 23:08 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
If my warranty hadn't expired a couple years ago, I'd be using it now. My TI-86 stopped working a couple weeks ago (it won't even turn on). Looks like I'll finally be upgrading to an 89 now.
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13 February 2004, 23:18 GMT
Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
My TI graphlink cable broke, when the port became loose. Although it was still in warrantee, I just opened it up and fixed it...
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13 February 2004, 23:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
Oh, OK, then. I could care less if you open one of those, because they're like $10, but I would be a little more cautious before I opened a calculator (my 89 for example). Oh, and BTW, I asked TI if I could be a Beta Tester for the 89-Titanium, and they said I could! How great is that?! They said I can keep the calc when I'm done, too! I am so excited, they're sending it within a week! I can't wait...
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14 February 2004, 21:44 GMT

Re: Re: Have you had to use the warranty on your calculator?
The first time my link port broke, i sent it in out of warrenty, yet they still replaced it for free. The second time it broke, not 5 months later, i figured out that one of the connections had broken loose, so i opened it up, in the process, breaking the other two connections, thus having to solder all three connections back. To find out, they dont have any soulder over top of the connection, just under the connection, causing it to break very easily.
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14 February 2004, 02:17 GMT
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