TI-84 Plus
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
TI-89 Titanium
I am satisfied with my current
I am satisfied without any

(Web Page)
DOOD! (That is how I spell it!)
With a USB port, you can hook all kinds of
devices to it: a mouse, keyboard, other devices...
People are already saying that you could hook up
mp3's and those USB mem devices.
But how would it link to an 83+? maybe they can make the silver USB link cable work.
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10 January 2004, 21:05 GMT
Actually I didnt vote. I am planning on getting a TI-83 plus silver edition. Im satisfied with my 83+, i just need more memory. Im flush out, i make way too many basic programs, and i need to learn ASM. 3 Questions, can anybody recommend a good way to learn ASM? and, will the 84+ silver edition have better basic commands than the 83+? and, does the 83+ silver edition have better basic commands that the regular 83+? I dont know anything about the 89's, I hear it has all sorts of basic commands that are better. If the 84+ silver edition is better than the 83+ silver edition, i may get that. The main problem is the fact that I dont wanna relearn basic for another calc before ASM. If the 89 titanium is alot better with the commands and faster, I may relearn basic for that calc, once i save up enough, close. Any opinions? (Other than I talk too much?)
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11 January 2004, 01:41 GMT

Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
if you think about getting a ti-89-ti, you should just learn C and use TIGCC to write assembly programs without having to learn ASM. Also, BASIC is pretty much the same on all calcs, except sometimes commands change name, like on 83/+/SE ClrHome is the same as 86's ClLCD(i think, i dont own an 86, but learned basic on my 83 from someone who used an 86, so i had to learn to translate from 86 to 83), and imo BASIC is MUCH more powerful on the 89(but so is just about everything else), due to Local variables, easy function calls, dialog boxes, variable pic dimensions, unlimited variables with any name...
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11 January 2004, 06:40 GMT
Game Controller
(Web Page)
DOOD! you could hook up pc game controllers to it maybe...
Or maybe you could use the TI84+ as a game controller
or something for your PC, being that you can just hook
it up directly through USB!! (You'd probably have to
make a program for it though, but still)
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10 January 2004, 21:07 GMT
I think something's wrong with the date system-it's showing comments I posted yesterday (11th) as being posted today (12th)....or maybe my watch is wrong....
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12 January 2004, 22:48 GMT
Re: Your next calculator?
jeremy miller
Have any of you people noticed that the "logo" of is the TI-89 calculator? Are they going to change it to a picture of the TI-89Ti- it is more appealing to the eye...
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13 January 2004, 05:40 GMT
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