TI-84 Plus
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
TI-89 Titanium
I am satisfied with my current
I am satisfied without any

Not my next calculator... But my Calculator :-)
An 84+ silver edition sounds really cool. A USB port makes the possibilities much bigger. Much more memory = MUCH more GAMES :-) The kickstand thing is AWSOME!!! The interchangeable covers look cool. The phisical design is very innovative. They changed where the name is (84 plus) its now in the middle (very cool.) Pretty soon is going to have 84 plus programs and games section in the root. I voted 4 84 plus SILVER EDITION :-)
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8 January 2004, 02:12 GMT
Re: Your next calculator?
Jiaqi Wu
I think the TI-86 is one of the best calculators that TI has made. I personally just don't like some of the things that the TI-83 and plus use like the menu system. They should have made a TI-86 upgrade, if you ask me.
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8 January 2004, 02:47 GMT

Re: ¤
Or put your fav programs (of course, they're probably all your favorite) into the custom menu, along with the asm( button. No going into a million menus to do anything. Of course omnicalc has a custom menu so I guess that argument is wiped out.
Another advantage of the 86: typable tokens. If you totally forgot where "real(" was, and don't feel like looking it up in the catalog, you can just type it in on the 86 (and up). And if you make a typo, the 86 has quick key repeat, meaning you just hold down the left arrow key to go back, no speed hitting like on the 89.
But, the 83+SE -now I guess the 84+SE- I think is the best calculator for a [smart] student. It comes with a lot of free apps that almost completely make up for its other shortcomings. And, some teachers won't let you use the 86 or 89, but the things they won't let you use it for (like my alg II teacher wanted kids to factor polynomials and solve simaltaneous equations on their own), the SE already comes with.
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10 January 2004, 21:19 GMT
Re: Your next calculator?
if some would buy the ti-89 titanium for me, i wouldn't say no... but i am satisfied with my v200 and as student you don't have money for everything (unfortunately)
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8 January 2004, 16:37 GMT
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