Man, I am getting old
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Re: Re: 2004
Brian Gordon
(Web Page)
who cares about the time, it's still Christmas vacation! today and tomorrow is all..... sniffle.
BTW has anybody noticed how cheap a gamecube is now? its USD100 for the console, a controller, the original Zelda, Zelda II, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and a preview of WW, all on one disk, for free. 100 extra bucks and you can get yourself WW, Mario Sunshine, and a 256mb memory card.
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3 January 2004, 14:01 GMT
Re: 2004
Brian Gordon
(Web Page)
have you guys seen diagrams about how Hydrogen Bombs work? its incredible!
There is a bunch of deuterium and tritium inside a big ring of atomic bombs. The bombs are all triggered by TNT. The force of the bombs force Nuclear Fusion upon the deuterium and tritium. The escaping energy (1 extra neutron per new hydrogen atom I believe), already at 50+ times a normal atomic blast, bombards the bomb casing, which is made of uranium. So it makes nuclear fission /AGAIN/ to further brace the strength of the blast. Whew. Check out the link, its pretty awesome.
And also, did anybody ever look up plutonium? It's constantly breaking down, so its always warm. A big enough chunk is hot enough to boil water!
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3 January 2004, 20:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: 2004
Brian Gordon
(Web Page)
Part 2
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weve done ok
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whoea, -W- is just overwhelming ;)
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I have a feeling that this post will be deleted...
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PLEASE delete this post! lol
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What kind of poll is "2004" I mean come on, it doesn't even have a question mark, for heaven's sake! :)
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3 January 2004, 22:36 GMT
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