Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program compatibility between ROM versions to add new features and fix bugs?
If programs are written using the SDK, then changes to the ROM will only require a re-compile. Well, that's assuming the author uses supported calls. I think TI should be allowed to add functionality to the calculator. If not, then they could have just done away with the flash concept. As for HP using a posted list of ROM entry points... That's easy when you have a static ROM! Remember, the HP48 didn't (still doesn't) have a flash ROM.
Let's be real. How often do we hear PC programmers complain about ROM updates? O.K. Compare that to the number of sweeping ROM changes that have been made since the release of the PC. WOW. Kinda puts it into perspective, huh?
Let the fun begin,
Tip DS
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12 December 1999, 22:17 GMT
Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program comp
(Web Page)
I believe that although this new 2.03 TI-89 revision is a "good thing", it was inappropriate for Texas Instruments to make us have to buy their SDK to be able to program it with programs >8k. It puts undue stress on programmers to charge for their programs, and then on us, the consumers, we bought this calculator for one (or both) of two reasons, we needed it for our math class, or we wanted more gaming power than before. This is a hobby for most of us, and I, for one, would hate to see it become a market. I think that we should boycott TI's new TI-89 SDK when it comes out (at least the one they charge you for) and spend our time trying to hack the TI-89 and free it up. It can't be that hard to get past, or even decrypt the encrypted checksum, or even create our own TI-89 OS's!! Imagine: Doors89.89u! We can do it, and teach TI a lesson at the same time. I am also prepared to try to hack ANY for sale programs made by third party developers that are placed in the pay-ware or even share-ware catagory. I think we can beat this! We beat Micro$oft, so why not T!? Well, that's just my opinion, anyone who is interested please e-mail me!! Any Flames e-mail "TIcares".
That's just my 2.8938957349 cents worth.
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13 December 1999, 00:42 GMT
Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program compatibility between ROM versions to add new features and fix bugs?
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
wow. There sure are alot of people who are pissed off. If you dont like the new AMS, then just use the old version. Ti has more of a responsibility to the productive aspects of the calculator (ie. math) than it does games, which are considered to be largely disruptive by your teachers. And for those people who think that TI should cater to the gaming community, do you actually realize what a small percentage of the market we account for. The only thing that the gaming community has going for it is bimonthly newspaper article that comes out in a regional newspaper heralding a popular TI website.
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13 December 1999, 06:31 GMT

Re: Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program compatibility between ROM versions to add new features and fix bugs?
Homer Simpson
(Web Page)
>If you dont like the new AMS, then just use the old version
I don't think anyone here said they didn't like the new OS, at least I don't say so, but rather they said it wasn't good enough! We're waiting for something new for months, and what does TI give us? Nothing! I've read the list of improvements and new features, and I couldn't seem to find anything really interesting.
However, we could think some things are really going to be improved. The catalog, for example, now uses a bigger font (on the 89 - I don't know about the 9x), and seems to be ready to give additional help about each comment (currently, it gives exactly the same amount of help it did from the beginnig; what arguments are expected). Maybe we should wait, and see what they give us.
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13 December 1999, 19:01 GMT
Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program compatibility between ROM versions to add new features and fix bugs?
(Web Page)
I think that continued upgrades is a good thing for TI to go after. Even if it enfringes on the abilities of certain games and assembly programs. There are several reasons why.
1- The games constantly have to be updated.
2- Gaming is a small part of the power of the TI Calculator.
3- New functionalbility and an improved user interface (I love the new Var-Link folder capabilities over the 1.x versions. Now all we need is multiple levels of file management.)
4- TI can fix and add to the calculators functions (such as the geometry for the 89, perhaps a clock on the Main screen for the 89, 92Plus, the ability to do more than one 3d equation at a time, and new flash applications)
Even though it might temporarily mess up the games. The new math and production features are worth the inconvenience.
However, I still with the people who say that TI should publish a list of constant entries to the system and keep them constant (this is the long "I Also Agree, I Agree Also" list above.)
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13 December 1999, 06:55 GMT
Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program compatibility between ROM versions to add new features and fix bugs?
Hell no. I was severely dissapointed when my v2.03 upgrade destroyed my doorsOS kernel and wouldn't let me reinstall it. I loved the shell bolt, and now I can't SB my calc so that it turns itself off. The new features are cool, but the lack of ASM support (especially with me trying to learn 68K) makes it a serious suck-fest
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13 December 1999, 14:35 GMT
Re: Should TI sacrifice assembly program compatibility between ROM versions to add new features and fix bugs?
(Web Page)
...and suddenly, we realise the difference between an 86 and an 85.
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13 December 1999, 15:54 GMT
Upgrades away
I think that TI SHOULD upgrade the sys mem for fixes, etc. TI makes CALCULATORS!!! NOT GAMEBOYS!!! Now: I dont think they should release them too often if it causes certain existing functions to work inccorectly. These guys are here for us. We should be glad 89 has a flash feature. If you have to, there are such things as basic games, that work almost as good as asms. If you want your asms, dont upgrade! Its that simple.
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13 December 1999, 23:20 GMT
BASIC issues and some other stuff
(Web Page)
Face it man, ti graphing calculators *are* in fact gaming systems.... they are systems that play games, so therfore they are.
They wern't meant to be, but thats what they became because programmers made it that way. Besides whats the harm with having a few games on your calc to play every now and then?
Yes, they are also math tools, thats another one of the great things about these devices, they can help tackle hard math problems, while at the same time being a way to pass time.
I don't see the sense in trying to /preserve/ BASIC programs. They will always be around, thats pretty much a fact in itself. I don't think that BASIC "sucks", I just think that its
r e a l l y s l o w . . . . .
especially when you use your calculator for gaming purposes. Now, if you want to make a quick program that will crunch some formulas for ya, BASIC would be the way to go. I have a geometry program on my calc that has several formulas that have really helped me with homwork (I'm an honest person, I don't use it to cheat). It's writted in BASIC. I've once programmed a stupid race game in BASIC, it was slow as crazy and eventually got deleted because I realized it would never amount to anything.
Right now I am trying to learn Asm for my 83+, so those users can have a few for games [like they don't have enough as it is =P]
So theres my 2 and a half cents worth, =)
~Jonathan Taylor
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17 December 1999, 23:26 GMT
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