Catching cancer rays near some body of water

Swimming in the ocean
Swimming in a lake
Doing sports
Summer school
Playing video games
Travelling to a foreign country
Travelling within my own country
Other activity
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Frank A. Nothaft
(Web Page)
I've been playing sports out the ass.
I've also cussed my ass off 'cquse I'm a motherfucka who don't give a shit. :P
I'm now in France for a few weeks.
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26 July 2003, 21:14 GMT
coding on my ti-89
(Web Page)
I am trying to install A/UX on my Macintosh IIsi. I got a 2GB SCSI harddrive for all of $7. It sounds like an airplane. I took it home and tried to partition it correctly. Apple's partition manager thingie wrote the partition map off the edge of the disk, so now the only way to fix it is to open it up and manually place the heads back on the platters, close it up, and hope that it works. Or I could splurge and spend another $7 to get a new one.
Why wasn't there something to prevent the heads from going off the disk? Even a simple rubber stopper would do.
(I also spent $2.50 for a 4x cdrom drive, external SCSI, oh yeah!)
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26 July 2003, 23:54 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
The Lord
(Web Page)
This poll is poorly made. I mean on many of them more than 1 option is possible. I mean I've worked, played video games, and computer games(other) this should have been a multi-option poll.
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27 July 2003, 20:56 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
(Web Page)
Travelling to a foreign country. Just got back. France in nice, the people are friendly. A couple, even when they found out I was American, tried to speak English to me to be nice. Sorry, but I'm tired of the bullshit (sorry, I normally don't cuss in forums) anti-French movement. However, let's not discuss that right now, it's just going to go off-topic and nobody's opinion will be changed.
The thing I hated the most about France was the keyboards. Now, I have trouble typing on "normal" keyboards.
I'm good now. However, with everyting in my time zone to give you a good reference of my travel schedule back, here's what it did:
Got to sleep at 9:30pm Thursday night (5:30 am Friday morning in France).
Woke up at midnight, 2 1/2 hours later (8:00 am France).
Plane left Paris at 7:00 am (3:00 pm France).
Plane arrived NYC at 2:30 pm. Got only a couple hours of sleep on the plane (4:30 NYC, 10:30 pm Paris).
Plane left NYC at 7:00 pm (9:00 pm NYC, 3:00 am Paris).
Plane arrived Denver 10:30 pm. Slept only a couple of hours (6:30 am Paris).
Rode for a couple hours in a car, till 1:00 am (9:00 am Paris).
Then, I drove for another 5 hours overnight, got back home at 6:00 am (2:00 pm Paris). Then, I stayed up the rest of the day and went to bed at 9:00 pm (5:00 am Paris), and slept 12 hours. Let me tell you, that's the longest I've ever slept. It was good.
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28 July 2003, 04:47 GMT
I've been programming, if anyone cares
Preston Chaderton
(Web Page)
I'm back, miss me? Well I've been programming Dark Basic, modeling 3D models, and composing music for a sequel to DBGT (I'm not team leader, so I know almost nothing about it, and it isnt for the calcs.) Thats basically what I've been doing during my summer, and during my leave of absence. I've also tried to start programming C++ with the allegro libraries. It is a pain in the butt.
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28 July 2003, 14:42 GMT
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