Catching cancer rays near some body of water

Swimming in the ocean
Swimming in a lake
Doing sports
Summer school
Playing video games
Travelling to a foreign country
Travelling within my own country
Other activity
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
(Web Page)
Well, so far its been work for about 6 days a week totaling to a rough minimum of 32 hours a week at Wendy's of all places. Working my ass off for no apparent reason, whilst everyone else around me is hiding half the time and sitting back watching me do the majority of the work. I do not get paid enough for the crap that I have to put up with, I'll leave that at that. The "free" time I have had has ended up turning into practically slave labor for my parents, sleeping, eating and the very little chances i get to use my computer to do an essay for SUNY Stonybrook. 72 hours alloted to do it in, worked 21 of those hours, slept thru 27 of them, getting aggravated at parents because I'm being constantly interrupted while writing it for I'd say 9 hours, then submitting the paper after i get off work (they wanted me to work an extra 6 hours on the last day, would have left me with less than 2 hours to go over the essay and submit it). Hey, I needed to go on a rant somewhere that my mom isnt going to look, and its completely on topic too.
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26 July 2003, 05:37 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
I've been trying to PROGRAM video games, so the closest one there was playing video games (I don't like that "other" choice).
on a totally unrelated note: no_one, I noticed you're in the top 25 busiest authors! (number 25 in fact :P) just thought I'd let you know in case you hadn't noticed
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26 July 2003, 09:28 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
(Web Page)
Well I have a 8:30 - 5 job on week days.
So I suppose I work about 10 hours a week....
...walking to the station is such hard work.
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26 July 2003, 12:07 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Matthew Marshall
"Milking Goats" was not mentioned! I spend 40 minuets a day milking goats!
I do find it interesting that, so far at least, just as many people have been catching cancer rays as have been playing sports... Is it a shameful thing to play sports around here?
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26 July 2003, 13:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
(Web Page)
Drive a car - you going to send me the money?
Ride a bike, well I missed out the minor detail, work is much further than three miles away, but for the most I am on the train. It is about 1.5 mile to the station and same from station to work.
Unfortunately I am one of the few people who live in the city and commute OUT each day. there isn't any one where I live who works near to me. Also, most of my friends have dissappeared to the 12 corners of Britain - student, summer work...
I enjoy walking, no complaints about that what so ever. Like I say, it is the only exercise I get at the moment.
My problem with work is that I can't get any exercise done whilst I am there, apart from mental. Also, leaving for work at 7:00 and getting in from work at 19:00, really doesn't leave much time for anything else. Bar maybe playing bridge on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the pub.
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27 July 2003, 23:14 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
W Hibdon
Other activity being, siting in my house all summer.
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26 July 2003, 17:40 GMT
Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
where i live (northern ohio) we have been rowing down the streets. thats what my summer has been like.
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26 July 2003, 18:14 GMT
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