Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
Barrett Anderson
(Web Page)
i don't know... this sounds kind of stupid to me... if i want to upload a file why don't i just do it now and then you'll either do it during the "while you wait" thing or even better, BEFORE?
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20 June 2003, 02:26 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
Jiaqi Wu
The game I'm working on will take much longer than 2 days to finish so I definetly won't.
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20 June 2003, 02:43 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
I don't have any files to upload, but I'd like to see all the new stuff that comes in!
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20 June 2003, 03:29 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
(Web Page)
Hmm, just a question, but...
What is this?
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20 June 2003, 05:29 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
Konrad Meyer
(Web Page)
probbly not... i mean, its late and over midnight for us pacific time folks, so itz kinda hard. +, who cares... files usually come up within a day or two anyways. It should be intresting to see all the new stuff tho =p --Konrad
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20 June 2003, 06:49 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
(Web Page)
I would, but....
1. The only thing I would upload is considered against site policies. It's DrugWars 68k, btw. So I just uploaded it to my site. Notice how all other versions also disappeared. It's just a game, but it already got rejected, so I don't want to piss the staff off anymore.
2. I won't be in town, I'll be in Walt Disney World. Yay. (Actually, I'll be on the road on a 7 hour drive to an airport to fly to Walt Disney World, but hey, that's what happens when you want cheap tickets and live 7 hours away from the nearest city of 1 million or more). So, no, I won't. Sorry. In fact, I probably won't see you all for another month. I'll miss you all, *snif* *snif*
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20 June 2003, 07:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
(Web Page)
I do _have_ a laptop, and I could bring it with me (we're not going in _my_ car, we're going for a nationals competition, so the coach is driving us there), but, since I'm going to France afterwards (let's not start a flame war about France, please), and since I don't want to risk losing it, I'm not bringing it. Otherwise, I probably would. It was nice when I took it to Connecticut with me (I went there for Future Problem Solving) b/c I also brought my ethernet cord, and all the dorms have ethernet plugins (he he, thanks to that, linux is now on my laptop :)
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20 June 2003, 22:02 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
(Web Page)
unfortunately no...
two words
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20 June 2003, 07:56 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
anthony C
I will try to, but I am not sure, though, as the programs I am working on might not be in time for the "While-you-Wait" event. But, I will try to have at least one of them ready. :-)
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20 June 2003, 14:32 GMT
Re: Will you attend the "While-You-Wait" on the 21st?
(Web Page)
I don't really have any files to upload.... but I'll love to see what gets done!
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20 June 2003, 14:43 GMT
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