Colour screen
Many megabytes of memory
Slot for SD or CF card
Digital camera

DSP and sound output
Mobile phone
Touch screen
Re: On the next calculator from TI you want to see?
j w
I'd want many megabytes of RAM instead of flash ROM. I personaly don't like most of the flash system because the people that don't understand calculators just think "Ooooo, lots of memory to store pretty games in. I think I will put it all in archive and nothing in RAM." and eventually, their ROM gets destroyed from over usage. Plus, I think that people archive a lot of stuff anyway since they always exceed the capacity of the RAM and are forced to use the flash ROM. The TI-86 is an awsome calculator because it has plenty of RAM (although I wouldn't complain if there was more) and no flash technology. I think that is an awsome calculator. The only good thing I see in flash upgrades is the OS upgrade.
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7 April 2003, 03:50 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: On the next calculator from TI you want to see?
For your information, people who own and program for TI calculators (or any platform) are usually exceptionally smart and hard working to begin with. Personally, writing game software and math software and other software for my calculators stimulates my mind, and helps it evaluate tough algrithms and procedures in the real world. Programming for a lot of people is enjoying because it is stimulating. Personally, I just write games and seldom play them because I enjoy writing them better than I enjoy using them. People who play games (at least at my school) do not do it to waste time. They do it when they are not in any class and are bored (i.e. on the bus, before school, at lunch, etc). So refrain from dissing programmers!
Also, I find it hard to believe that you are taking college classes, for your grammer and conventions and overall interest in posting something INTELLIGENT are extremely lacking.
If you want to be able to solve problems like that one mentioned, then solve it yourself on paper (if you are really taking college classes, you should be able to do this easily) or get a 68K calculator, which has software that is quite capable of performing that task.
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8 April 2003, 05:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: On the next calculator from TI you want to see?
(Web Page)
Dude, you are a moron. I don't normally go out and call people that, but you can proudly be the first to get it (at least in a while). Why do you go on making fun of game programmers, and yet your name is "Programmer2000"? Being a PROGRAMMER, you should understand that programming is a fun pass-time, and games aren't as bad as you're making them out to be. THEN, you have NOTHING in your author profile. Do you realize with your stupidity, you got over 40 comments in reply, ALL talking about how inane your statement is?
You don't have a SINGLE period in your whole post (not counting the randomly placed question at the bottom to make you appear smart, in compensation for your 1st grade-level grammar), you have ONE capital letter (again, not counting the stupid question), and your post has the same incompetency level as:
"hey i luv telemarketrz they are so hot and they call our house during dinner time and that rocks man dude i cant get away from them and all u people who hate them are gay and suck and guess what i am in a college level course where i learned my punctuation and all of you stupid game makers and telemarketer haters can touch my butt because i am gay too hahahahahaha"
<end of flame>
I feel better now. I just HAD to get that out :) (Don't ask about the telemarketer thing)
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9 April 2003, 01:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: On the next calculator from TI you want to see?
Michael O'Brien
(Web Page)
Or just archive, unarchive, archive, unarchive, archive, unarchive, archive, unarchive, archive, unarchive, archive, unarchive, archive, unarchive, etc. a lot of progs. Eventually the 89 will do it automatically.
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9 April 2003, 01:44 GMT

Re: Re: On the next calculator from TI you want to see?
Is that what they believe on the planet you come from? (j/k)
Actually, you can store all of your programs in FlashROM and make a copy of the program (not unarchive it) in RAM, execute it, and delete it when the program terminates. This is how I can manage to avoid wearing out my FlashROM on my SE (I use Plasma 1.4, the only shell I am aware of for the TI-83+ that can do this aside from MirageOS, which does not work on SE's). Or the even better choice is to get a 68K calculator because they do not need to unarchive programs to run them; the OS automatically creates a copy in the RAM and deletes it afterward, even if there was a break. They don't even produce the annoying Garbage Collect messages!
About those "pretty games": Most of the programs on people's calcs are not necessarily games, but are math programs or utility programs that somehow extend the calculator's functionallity; they just store it in archive memory because the user may not need to use the program for long periods of time. Therefore, in order to free up a little RAM for other programs (especially BASIC programs they might be in the process of writing and testing), they archive the variable.
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8 April 2003, 05:18 GMT
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