
Texas Instruments
Re: Who makes the best calculators?
j w
I think Casio graphing calculators are horrible. They only cost about $50 so I know they aren't that good. Plus it's just the color screen that's so pointless. They have no use with a 3 bit color screen for a graphing calculator with not that good of functionality. I did see that Patrick Davidson made Phoenix for one though.
HP calculators are alright but they are just a little to powerful and I don't think they have such a variety of programs as TI calculators do since so many more people use them (I think). The HP-45's (I think it's called that) 512k memory is just a little too much for a calculator with not that many programs. I might be wrong on some of this information but...yea.
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5 April 2003, 02:09 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Who makes the best calculators?
Game Boy Colors only run fast because the game carterage stores the game in machine code, so the Game Boy does not need to interepret thousands of lines of code like a TI calculator. Basically, all GBC games are already written in HEX or Binary, so they consiquently execute very quickly. Also, memory is not a problem because the amount of memory needed for a GBC game is stored on the carterage, not the platform. Additionally, the only information the Game Boy deals with is the game information, and that's it.
TI Calculators, on the other hand, are faster, but slower in program execution because the unit is self-contained, meaning that the calculator's chip does not only deal with the program instructions, but the interpreter instructions and the OS instructions, and the memory allocation. Since there is a lot more going on in a TI Calculator than in a Game Boy, the TI calculator will run more slowly because it was not designed to handle gaming like the GBC.
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5 April 2003, 23:40 GMT
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