Re: Is developing for TI calculators commercially viable?
I say yes simply because there are some programs that one person and ONE PERSON ONLY will come up with, and/or a unique way to get it to work, that NO ONE (except maybe no_one lol) will think of or know how to do... Or if it is just so usefull that even though there are other similar things, the app just kicks butt. Take StudyCards for example. I would pay for it if it was <= $10 US.
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18 March 2003, 23:08 GMT
Re: Is developing for TI calculators commercially viable?
(Web Page)
I vote yes because I've tried it (...not even one copy sold yet though...).
But, i probabbly should have said no. The reason is simple: the community is not willing to support commercial software on the calculator platform. Why? threefold: kids who have to ask parents for money, the tradition of freely available software with respect to TI calculators, and ...
TI has success with its commercial software because it is targeted at teachers who need quality products. Once the teacher has bought the product, it follows that the students will most likely buy the product too because the teacher requires it. This model works quite well (how many of you own a TI-83plus because you wanted it, and how many bought one because it was required for a math class?)
students on the other hand are willing to put up with programs that may not be top quality, crashing, etc... (that's not to say that all free projects are of poor quality ;) I would hope that most people would say that my freely available progams are of top quality.
another aspect that many people seem to miss is that for someone such as myself, it actually *costs* me money to be here. websites as one example cost money, and time doesn't stick around forever.
If you want to argue the time is money (as someone did before), i ask you one question, how many people do you know that make a living (As in get paid) without spending any time?
my $5.50 :) (someone was paying me, right? )
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19 March 2003, 01:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is developing for TI calculators commercially viable?
I have an 83+, and I want an 83+SE... Not just for games, but all these frickin' Apps! I have Symbolic (for simp() and numStr()), CalcSys (for general messing with :) ), OmniCalc (gotta love the custom menu, multiple bases, entries menu, paren assistant... and other stuff), and MirageOS (what 83+/SE owner does NOT have this one?)... I would put Elements, Socrates, PuzzPack, Prob Sim, MegaCar, Chasm, and others if I had the space... As it is, I have <40K FLASH free... I am anal and make Group backups of all of my programs every 10 minutes or so...
I want an 89 too, but since I can't use it at school, I'd get an 83+SE first....
*grr @ rambling*
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20 March 2003, 00:42 GMT
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