From a tutorial
From a book
From a friend

On my own
Never learned it
Re: How did you learn to program asm?
(Web Page)
Well, I learned a bit from various tutorials, but I actually learned most of the stuff I know from the people at MaxCoderz and by just fiddling around with stuff.
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30 December 2002, 05:13 GMT
Re: How did you learn to program asm?
(Web Page)
I learned TI-82 z80 ASM from It's really worth it, and I think it's the best tutorial out there for Ash/CrASH.
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31 December 2002, 15:42 GMT
Re: How did you learn to program asm?
I learned both Z80 and 68k from one book on microprocessors. That book also has the instruction tables for the 8088, 8051, and a few others. I learned the instructions this way.
I also learned a lot from reading other peoples' sources, looking at Small C compiler output, and other stuff like that. I learned techniques this way, and I still learn more all the time.
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31 December 2002, 20:33 GMT
Re: How did you learn to program asm?
(Web Page)
I really don't like ASM (4 the 83+) too much..... the debugging is, well, a hassle! Yeah, VTI can help, but still....
It's just wierd because it's not really like BASIC at all... plus, try using an 83 tutorial for 83+ Ion.... now that's not fun. And the math!! What the heck are those OP1 things?? Why can't we just use × and /???
OK, OK, so you get great calc control, everything works at the speed of light...but still, BASIC will never be overrun by ASM in my opinion.
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1 January 2003, 17:13 GMT

Re: Re: How did you learn to program asm?
Yeah, more hassle (or whatever) usually comes with more control. That applies to almost anything, not just to programming and computers. Once you understand it and get the hang of it, assembly is not so bad. In fact, it's really nice to have the power and control it provides.
By the way, you can't just use * and / in ASM because ASM is very low-level -- it's not interpreted like BASIC is. It uses things like OP1 and calls to math functions. In more detail, OP1 is one of several floating-point operands used to do calculations in assembly (they are also used to hold the name of a variable to find its address and stuff like that in assembly). Each operand is, I think, 10 bytes long. To do any kind of math in assembly (even just integers), you should first understand what RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) is and how to use it. It's really nice, actually, since it uses a stack, and so it doesn't require any parentheses, even for the most complicated expressions.
Here's an example of RPN and the equivalent in standard algebraic form:
2 3 + 5 * x -
is the same as
(2 + 3) * 5 - x
One last note: I agree with you that BASIC will not be overrun by ASM. Although I am a huge ASM advocate/fan, I still use BASIC quite frequently. Each has its place. I wouldn't try to write a huge fast-paced game in BASIC, nor would I write a small, complicated math program in ASM.
That's just my $1/50 worth.
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6 January 2003, 23:19 GMT
Re: How did you learn to program asm?
Dan Rogers
(Web Page)
I learned from AsmGuru, and EZAsm (a great alternative language by Joel Seligstein). I made a small game in EZAsm and looked at the z80 it produced compared to the EZAsm code. Shortly after I was staring at a tutorial in AsmGuru and everything just clicked!
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1 January 2003, 17:22 GMT
Re: How did you learn to program asm?
Tom Schreurs
(Web Page)
I primarily learned ASM by simply looking at source codes. This way you get to see the structures of programs, when you get the hang of that...It's time to learn the meaning of codes by using either ASMGuru or IONGuru. can learn ASM by using MY tutorial, it will soon be available at hope (I posted it 3 weeks ago!).
greetz Autolycus.....
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2 January 2003, 11:04 GMT
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