No need.
Don't really care.
What's Linux?
Who's TI?
Benjamin Moody
This thread is probably the best I've seen on ticalc in months... Look: we have 4 pages of mostly relevant stuff, no parades and pyramids and the rest, and MegaMan has gone away. Is someone moderating the board, or was it something about the poll? Hmmm...
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11 August 2002, 00:43 GMT

Re: Re: O/T
(Web Page)
Well, my favorite calc game is PICROSS89, but you probably didn't care to know that anyway.:) (had to bring that up, sorry lol)
So, do they really post your ideas for polls if their good? I imagined it as a full mailbox with people reading, deleting, reading, deleting ideas until they found a good one. If they're running out of ideas I have some good ones, but I like this one, I think it should be kept for a while.
Here's another Windows/Linux topic:
Are there any good virus protectors for Linux? I got the idea because I was just looking at the Norton Antivirus 2002 desktop icon... I like Norton Antivirus, it's fast, easy...
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11 August 2002, 03:44 GMT
Re: Do you think TI should release a all-calculator linking program for Linux?
Okay, lets clear a few things up!
For all the people who have said to me 'stop insulting windows', I have just checked all my comments...
And, all throughout, my only COMPLAINT about windows is with mem management (or whatever causes the crashing in 98 type systems). If XP etc doesn't have these problems I do apologise, it's just the impression I was given from the various articles I have read.
I like the interface of linux.
I love the interface of TOS (Atari OS)
I like the fact that you can customise linux to your own system.
I love BASH.
I love X / Emacs.
I love being able to give priority to software in linux.
I love being able to play great games in windows.
I love the fact that it's free. (after all everyone who writes software for calcs here gives it away for free because it is a labour of love not a money making scheme)
I do find installing somethings in Linux a bit daunting - and I am still trying to work out how to burn a CD.
I don't like the fact that resolving RPM dependencies is painful (though this is only a problem with distros not with the Linux System)
I don't like the fact that windows is put on most shop bought PC's and that you don't have a choice.
I don't like the fact that the average school only uses windows, forcing the home user to use it for compatibility issues (although these are now quite rare).
I don't like the fact that you have to pay for windows.
I have used XP a bit and couldn't stand the interface - which is why I don't like it.
And I have been told 2K isn't very supportive of games, and being a student guess what....
Well I'm glad I've cleared that up.
It was better then a scream.
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11 August 2002, 14:40 GMT
Re: Re: Do you think TI should release a all-calculator linking program for Linux?
(Web Page)
A couple things:
1. The average school uses Windows because it is easier to get running and keep running in a school environment than Linux, and it is cheaper than Apple stuff.
2. You obviously didn't use XP long enough to discover that the cheesy new look/interface can be turned off, so it looks just like any other version of Windows.
3. If you don't like being forced to buy a computer with Windows on it, build your own. That's what I did; it's cheaper, you get more control over what goes in to your system, and home built systems are generally more expandable than bargain systems from Dell or Gateway. My Mom's dell only has 1 PCI slot on the motherboard.
I installed Linux (Red Hat 7.3) but couldn't stay with it because:
1) I have XP configured the way I like it and didn't feel like starting over
2) Linux takes a lot longer to boot than XP (46 seconds for XP, 2:23 for Linux)
3) XP is very stable, I go for weeks without rebooting so I didn't need a more stable OS
4) There weren't drivers for my wireless network adapter, which was the killer. I have a Netgear MA101 (USB). If anyone can direct me to drivers for it, I will give Linux another serious try. Obviously, an operating system isn't much use nowadays without internet access, so I reformatted the drive and it's my Music drive now.
So I'm not saying that Linux is bad, I'm just saying that Windows is more practical for most users.
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15 August 2002, 01:23 GMT
Re: Re: Do you think TI should release a all-calculator linking program for Linux?
(Web Page)
Most of those facts are true, except to schools one. Most schools (50+%) use Macs. But thats okay, most people dont know that. It is the only market Apple has atleast half in.
By the way, I do hate windows, and xp, mainly cause of its stupid name. It just doesn't work well.
I dont mind using it, but only for games.
Dont replie to this just to tell me you hate me because I hate windows.
Macs and Linux just work. All the time.
Windows doesn't work always.
You may think I have knack for crashing machines, and I do, I crased my friends XP machine running IE, and he has a nice new machine.
And I crashed Linux, but that was on purpose to see if I could do it. (80 big programs, only 64MB Ram)
I have yet to crash my OS X machine, and I have tried to. But old mac crashed alot to, but not my new OS X.
So I don't care if you hate macs, and love windows, there are those of us who hate to use it. So we use other machines.
So Buy a Mac, or keep using your Windows machine.
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15 August 2002, 02:15 GMT
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