Ahem, I do believe that you speak *too* early. But not bad; you're only the smallest prime number less than the average of the two smallest perfect numbers days early. Maybe next time....
you responded fast
ok now I'm gonna do something I haven't done in 4ever
"I'm always the last one post * infinity mine's always one later!"
We need like a deadline for this, like last time to submit or something, otherwise this could go on for a long(er) time
sffworld.com (more ads than there already were, which I wouldn't really care about unless they didn't screw up the format of the forums) and imdb.com (even more ads than ther already were...and there were originally a lot--now it's ridiculous).
By the way, I just got a new calc. Now I have an 82, 83+SE, 89 Titanium, 92, and V200. Along with four 30-XA solar (I think that's what they're called), and a few other scientific calculators. Oh, and there's the calcs on my computer.
And eleven calculators that just have six operations but that roll up and fit on keychains. :D
But even the first comment on the page is dated 2004, and then after this comment there are some dated 2006, and then after that are comments made in 1999. :-)