One Million for Patrick Davidson
Posted by Eric on 5 May 2002, 01:01 GMT
We're happy to announce that Patrick Davidson, #2 on our list of busiest authors, has passed the six-digit mark in total downloads. With 1,001,456 all-time downloads, Patrick is well in the lead as our most-downloaded author. Congratulations, and thanks for sucking up so much of our bandwidth :)!
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Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
I wonder if I could get away with downloading my own programs over and over again.... :-D
6 May 2002, 21:53 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
http://www.w00 p (n o s p a c e s):
Nobody really knows when w00t was actually started. We're sure its been around for a least a couple of decades. It seemed to become popular used word on a horrible online game called ARC. We belive this happened because many members of The Pink Bunnies used this upon victory in the many online games that they played. Since the Bunnies, used this term so much, and played so many games online. It spread rapidly throughout the world of online gaming.
There then became variations of the word, some commonly used ones were "wh00t" "woot" "whoot" and things of the sort. There have even been some totaly different, yet somehow similar words that remind us of the word w00t, such as "fl00p" and "p00p". Now, near the ending of this millenium, and the beggining of the next, w00t is still thriving online, and even out in the real world.
11 May 2002, 06:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
http://www.w00 k.php
\"w00t\" began its long and tumultuous history in the days of elite haxors on the most basic of Unix servers. From this point on, I will consistently be using 1337 5[]D34|< so be warned. In the days of these most primitive of h4x0r5, it wasn\'t the most complex of tasks to gain access to basic Unix servers. However, as time evolved, it became much more tricky, with increased Firewall protection and file anyway... As these h4x0r5 got more 31337 with their methods, they developed a saying, to tell the world of their hacking achievements...the saying was \"root!\" In servers, the main directory, which leads to ALL other directories and files, is called the ROOT directory...thus, when a h4x0r got ROOT directory access, he would exclaim over the network \"root\" or to his friends. This became quite an accomplishment, and the universal sign for when you\'ve been hacked. As time went on, and 1337 speak was developed, root began the innevitable transition to \"r00t,\" where the O\'s were replaced with 0\'s (zero\'s), as is the case with 1337 speak. As evolution continued, and slang became mainstream, the common saying \"What what\" to an accomplishment made its way onto the internet. Soon after, some newbie h4x0r5 begans saying \"what what\" instead of \"r00t\" and this made the more 31337 h4x0r5 quite upset, since they were disgracing a hacking pasttime. To come to an agreement, then two sayings were combined over time... combining \"what what\" with \"r00t\" giving you \"w00t!\" Now w00t is commonspeak among internet inhabitants, not only for hacking but for anything in general...people say \"w00t.\"
11 May 2002, 06:23 GMT
Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
I'm pretty suprised that Joe Wingbermuhele hasn't accomplished this yet. He does, after all, have one of the most successful game shells ever. Or has he? :^/
7 May 2002, 21:16 GMT
Re: One Million for Patrick Davidson
I'm pretty suprised that Joe Wingbermuhele (is this spelled right?) hasn't accomplished this yet. He does, after all, have one of the most successful game shells ever (Ion). Or has he? :^/
7 May 2002, 21:17 GMT
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