TICT No Longer Active
Posted by Nathan on 21 April 2001, 07:49 GMT
In a shocking and saddening update, Thomas Nussbaumer announced that he will no longer have time to work on projects for the TI-89 and TI-92 Plus, and that TICT is no longer active. Citing as his reason for quitting "an opportunity which will change my life completely (in the positive way!)," he wishes everyone the best. The programmer for such immensely popular and compatible projects such as TI-Chess, the eBook Reader, the TIGCC Tools Suite, tutorials, and many other programs, Tom will be sorely missed, and we here at ticalc.org wish him all the best as he embarks on a new opportunity.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Christian Frießnegg
Very sad news that Thomas leaves Austria. I met him some time ago, because he lives not far away from me...
I hope he will help us (i.e. all the TIGCC people and all people who need help) in the future and hopefully he will continue with his FAT engine. (Remember Wolfenstein 3D, called MudRock3D in his case)
Anyway, I wish him all the best!
21 April 2001, 15:28 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
(Web Page)
Uhm ... what about MuttRock ... wasn't he the one developing it... ?
21 April 2001, 15:28 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Wow. This was pretty unexpected. All I'd like to say is - I started out checking Tom's spelling in TI-Chess 1.0, and rapidly became a beta tester, checking code and testing out his programs. :-) Along the way, I noticed a rapid improvement in all of his programs, and I've never seen a better code improver than Tom. TI-Chess now has a GUI, a very good engine, save/load games, exercises, everything I could expect in a $100 chess computer. Then the other programs started coming - little programs that came in useful a lot. Plus the community interaction was amazing.
Good luck, Tom.
21 April 2001, 17:10 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
joseph merfalen
sorry to see you leave Thomas...i wish you the best bro and you are in my prayers...
21 April 2001, 18:30 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Does this mean that the work on the Wolfenstein will be left unfinished or do you think anyone will pick it up? This really is a bad day for 89 users....
21 April 2001, 18:47 GMT

Re: Re: TICT No Longer Active
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
I guess I should try to answer, since I helped out Thomas a bit with the FAT engine code.
The current development version of the FAT engine is much faster than the last released demo version that I know of, and it has several new features and a bugfix. For the engine itself, there's not much left to do except make the maximum distance visible adjustable (a lower max distance could be used to increase the framerate).
Tom said on the TICT message boards that he intends to finish up the engine. However, a Wolfenstein clone requires a LOT more than just the engine - all that does is render the screen. Character movement, AI, sprites, maps, levels, and tracking bullets must all be handled by the game itself, and this has not been done.
That's an awful lot of work, especially the AI. Someone could attempt to complete it, but it would be very, very difficult, and I don't know if it's likely that anyone who could do that would actually take the time to do it. It's really too bad that Tom can't finish it himself =(
21 April 2001, 23:47 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Well, the programs of TICT will be sorely missed. The MR3D game would seem like a wonderful thing. All the programs that they made were insightful and productive, as well as useful. It is sad to know that these will be no longer updated.
21 April 2001, 20:33 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
It is impossible for anyone to replace Tom. It is a sad day for the 68k community. Maybe TI developers can try to continue his work in an open source project at sourceforge.net or somewhere similar. That might be a way to ensure that despite great losses like this ticalc.org will not find itself full of excellent but old programs.
21 April 2001, 20:55 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
(Web Page)
*Waves goodbye to TICT*. Goodbye, you will be missed. I hope that sometime in the future, someone can ressurect it. So, where does the place go from here?
21 April 2001, 21:13 GMT
You will be missed Tom
(Web Page)
Thanks again for creating a better set of tools for creating programs for the 89/92+.
21 April 2001, 21:59 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Thomas Nussbaumer
(Web Page)
Thanx all of you!
Well, to stop the rumors: I'm NOT moving to the USA, but I will travel much in the near future.
My email addresses stay active, but it can last some days until I can answer mails.
About the FAT-Engine: I'll try to finish at least the engine and release its sourcecode in the near future. Then the base for games like a Wolfenstein3D clone will exist and everyone can give it a try.
I will also miss running TICT (the site, the message forums and all that stuff) and I will miss realizing TI projects. It was quite interesting and fun.
21 April 2001, 22:12 GMT
Re: TICT No Longer Active
Wouter v.d. Put
(Web Page)
Good luck Thomas,
do what you want to do in life, but before all:
Thanks for all those good programs.
23 April 2001, 11:22 GMT
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