TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
Posted by Eric on 2 December 2000, 06:13 GMT
I've received word that our friends at Detached Solutions are teaming up with some company called Texas Instruments (ever hear of them? Hmm...) on a cool new TI-83+ FLASH application programming contest. The idea is to create a TI-83+ FLASH app (or RAM program that you plan to convert into a FLASH app) in various categories. Entries are due by March 1, but need not be completely done by that time. Prizes include a free Special Edition TI-83+, Educational SDKs, and some nifty "limited edition" slide cases for up to 40 runners-up. You don't have to own a TI-83+ to enter; owners of all calculators and programmers of all experience levels are welcome. For more details view the contest's web page.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detacheds Solutions and TI
Jonah Cohen
(Web Page)
Shouldn't it be "Detached Solutions" instead of "Detacheds Solutions"?
3 December 2000, 01:01 GMT
Limited Edtion 83+?
Doug Williams
(Web Page)
Can someone tell me what a "limited edition 83+" is? Does it just have the "special edition case" with it?
4 December 2000, 03:14 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
I think that TI should make another kind of 'signature' that lets you release updates for apps previously developed. That way, one could provide bugfixes without spending a lot of money for multiple signings.
Also, my copy of VTI (2.5 beta 5) will not emulate an 83+. I have a legal copy of the ROM and everything, but VTI will not even recognize it (the ROM) as existing. Has anyone else had this problem?
4 December 2000, 19:06 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
This contest has everyone rilled up like the mad
With Engalders and Coehens just actin' so rad
We hear from them oh but once a newyears day
When T-I-calc-dot-org writes something to jeer
They fill the bam-boozlers-wizz-wozzlers galore
With long rants and long raves, or broken links to snore!
Methinks weneeds soon a new system today
Where the little guy has voice, and the big guy runs 'way.
With telemark and z80 tutorial to the right
and three ti-25's we'll come to the fight.
Andrew and Andrew will force form into one,
With Patrick and Meijer bringing the twinkies for fun.
They'l shout, and they'l cheer, spewing profanities like opcodes
With people buying tickets like hostess shipping HO-HO's
Top story on tie-cal, "Elite coders have a throw down...
"That proves their popular, I guess your some clown"
When suddenly, oh yes, a figure pushes the croud...
boasting hides of velt creatures, and muskles to be bound
Unknowed was he, this stranger so tall
That the famous people didn't stop, didn't notice at all
With cauldron in hand, he points to the ring
the ladies all fainted while the choir boys sing.
He Jumped into the ring, this unknown from today
The people got quiet to listen to what he say.
"1600 milligrams of ibbey profeen,
four left over bags of candey au haloween,
add in a cup of flower, add in a pinch of deer
two interrupt mode 0 commands, and a keg of I-B-C rootbeer"
Using his manly hands, he formed the conkoction.
Dropping the 86 he got from an ebay's auction.
He took a sip, he took a gulp, he took the cauldron hot
And pourded it down his smelly gullet, iron rings and kot.
The populars looked in awe, with a strange confusion
this freak of all freaks must have had a delusion.
Quickly they scurried back to their domains
Making this unknown the winner the scather of knaves.
Spitting out binary oh so fast,
he Passed on a message to his teacher and his class.
"If your not famous, not pretty, or wern't born in the city
Stay far away from TI and it's flash ram pity"
Come on people. It's just a competition. Not a conspiracy to overthrow the government. Detached_s_ Solutions :) isn't run by profiteering gluttons ( or are they ?!? )
I don't plan on entering this contest, but hey... Why does it matter? It's not like I ever had a chance.
"on and anon, anon nonnon anon... the beat dont stop until I break my rom"
5 December 2000, 23:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
Heh. The typo's were there for a point. My intent was not to come off as being ignorant :).I wanted people to see that I was just joking about the whole thing. Everyone is taking this thing so !@#$ seriously. Like this personally offends them. Just trying to lighten up the mood. (I hope Johan "Coehen" and Kirk "Meijer" got a laugh from it.)
We (Well, at least I) Love what Detacheds has done. I just felt that I needed to throw in an obligatory "Hackers" quote <during the reading of the h4ck3rz manifesto> Dan _Englender_, I apologise If I came off as being "uncool like dat".
Anyway, have you seen Afrosoft Bounce? (TI 83+ Assembley Programs/Source) I mean, my code is so yucky. I just got the impression that all of the 'oldbies' would enter the contest, thus ruling me out(Besides, who wants an Afrosoft Bounce Turbo 2x with a mini Periodic Table built into it?!?). Wait, some of the oldbies are part of Detacheds now...
Ok, now we need a question to seem as If I actually had a point to this post: "Although Detacheds is co-hosting the contest, will It's members be joining the contest?"
Well, at least something good could come of this. I wouldn't ever email the ACZ for permission to use their ATOM code, much less ask for permission to use someone else's routines (Even If they are better.) For the people with more confidance in themselves than I, that will give them a chance to write their own code.
How about limiting the amount of outside code allowed? I could go to a place such as tie-cal, download twenty some graphical routines, another four or five menu routines, more than a handful of writeback and data handling routines, and barely type a line of code.
To any Detacheds members reading, I suggust that you express a limit on how much outside code one can use (<49% of total work?!?) Oh well.
"on and anon, anon nonnon anon... the beat dont stop until I break my rom"
6 December 2000, 10:48 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
Dan Englender
(Web Page)
I knew you were just kidding, and I didn't take offense (at least not much ;). As a matter of fact, no one ever spells my name right even if they're trying (Englander, Eglander, Engander, ...).
Anyhow, as for your questions...
Detached Solutions members can not participate in the contest since we're the ones judging the entries.
I want Afrosoft Bounce Turbo 2X! But you can leave off the periodic table...
We're not going to express a distinct limit on the amount of outside code that can be used, but we do expect that you will "thank" authors for code you borrow in your documentation, like all nice people do. If you "borrow" so much code that we can visably tell (ie. Phoenix with different graphics), then we're going to take off points in the Originality area.
6 December 2000, 21:57 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
(Web Page)
7 December 2000, 07:18 GMT
Re: TI-83+ Programming Contest from Detached Solutions and TI
Well, I thought this was great, even though I have a TI-89 instead of an 82+. I was interested in the Flash Apps, and thought this would give me some good sample code to look at and try and figure it out. But after reading this first page and learning that TI makes you pay to put a flash app on a calc, I've lost all interest in it altogether. Great job, TI. Your effort to spark interest has completely and utterly failed. *sigh* Oh well. Back to figuring out how to use C (which I already know btw) on a TI-89... And Flash apps seemed so cool too...
8 December 2000, 03:47 GMT
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