TI-Chess v3.00
Posted by Nick on 12 August 2000, 03:22 GMT
This has been hyped since about when the TI-99 came out, and it does look like Thomas "I Rock Nick's World" Nussbaumer has made good on his many promises. 89 and 92 Plus versions of TI-Chess v3.00 are now available. The features are too numerous for the human mind to accurately comprehend at once, so read this verrrry sloooowly: - Works on all AMS versions up to v2.05 and both hardware versions. All permutations considered! Hooray!
- Grayscale graphics, tons of nifty eye candy to look at during, uh, whenever you happen to play calculator games :p
- All the rules of chess (my favorite is en passant) implemented
- Two different piece sets, sets of chess puzzles for training (lord knows I need it: I really do poorly at chess. My dad beats me routinely. It's sad.), chess clocks, a graphical menu system of some kind, and five levels of difficulty
- Written in C code and "shell-less:" doesn't require any specific shell to be run!
That's all that can be said. Download this game. Now. GO! GOGOGOGOGO!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
David Hall
(Web Page)
Great. Now all we need is
a) A TI-83 port damnit!!! ;)
b) A computer AI - that would seriously rock, even if it is a crap one ;)
12 August 2000, 11:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-Chess v3.00
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
Actually, it is fairly easy to compare the release rates of Phoenix with TI-Chess ... if you have a calculator, anyway. Counting from the first public release to the present, we can easily see that:
Phoenix had 36 releases in 875 days, a rate of one release every 24.3 days.
TI-Chess had 7 releases in 176 days, a rate of one release every 25.1 days.
And this includes three publicly available "experimental" versions of Phoenix...
Of course, Phoenix might seem to be released more often because this was the case recently, with 3 versions released within one week. That might not have been necessary if I had sent it to a large group of beta-testers, but that's not necessarily true; even if all of the beta-testers say there's no problem, other people still might say it doesn't work (as is evident even on this message board). Who's better qualified to test a product than the people who want to use it, anyway? And, is it better to slow down your release by more than a month so that a few people can test it over and over, or release it sooner, in which case bugs can be found within a few days, and the program will be tested in a much wider variety of conditions?
Another reason why Phoenix is updated more often than some other programs (I won't name any, of course) is that some other programmers don't ever bother to fix bugs; whereas I would fix a bug reported within a couple of days (if I can reproduce it), some other programmers would just wait until the next major release a few months later to do anything about it.
By the way, if you think releasing software in "alpha state" (whatever that means) is bad because it's Microsoft-like, don't forget that Linux is more frequently updated than just about any other program.
14 August 2000, 23:20 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
Kevin Ha
(Web Page)
Wow, I should've downloaded this game a long time ago. It works perfectly on my HW2 AMS 2.05 TI-89 (although it does flicker a teeny bit - it turns unnoticable though when you lower the contrast a little). Nevertheless, this is the first game that is able to utilize grayscale on my TI-89 without any OS'es or libraries.
It's cool how Thomas coded this entire thing and compiled it into very little files - running this game without having to install OS'es, find libraries, etc. is kinda advanced to me, compared with many other games. Also, you won't have to re-transfer all the OS/library files to your calc and reinstall them after your calc resets to play this again :)
12 August 2000, 18:52 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
(Web Page)
Since the order doesn't matter, wouldn't it be combinanations rather than permutations for HW/AMS version?
12 August 2000, 19:46 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
Mark Preston
(Web Page)
Yea... it's a great game and all, except for a little problem. I can run it once and it'll play perfectly. But then if I quit and try to run it again, it'll say BUSY in the lower right corner, a black bar about 8 pixels in height appears at the top of the screen, and the calculator freezes. I don't think that's supposed to happen. I'm trying to run it on a HW 2.00 TI-89 calculator with AMS v2.05. Can anyone suggest something that I can do to fix this?
Also, on a slightly different topic, I've been having a difficult time trying to learn how to program in assembly. I've searched and searched and I came up with a site "www.technoplaza.net/assembly" that seems to provide some help. I looked at the first tutorial which is about a program called "Hello World!". I followed all the instructions exactly but when I try to install the DoorsOS on my calculator it either crashes or tells me something about my version not being recognized and then locks up. Since I can't install the DoorsOS program I can't do any of the tutorials and I'm stuck not being about to figure out the assembly language. Can ANYBODY help?
12 August 2000, 20:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-Chess v3.00
(Web Page)
I tried that, but it also wants that hardware fix thing, which doesn't exist for 2.05 yet. The chess game by the way, works for me only once. This is what I did, tell me if I did something wrong.
I copy all files to my calc.
I use the hw2start thing
The first time, this works. As soon as I exit, and open ther starter again, I get the infamous black bar. Also, I tried using the starter, and then using the normal program the second time, which didn't work either.
Also, I *Don't* have a TI-89, but I can reset my TI-92 Plus by taking out a battery.... doesn't that work on the TI-89 as well? Because I saw one posting where the person said they had to take ou their little battery.
15 August 2000, 20:00 GMT
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