There Are Too Many Programs Released This Week
Posted by Nick on 2 April 2000, 23:25 GMT
You guys need to get some kind of schedule going or something, where one person uploads a program one day, and another person does it the next day, or something! You're killing me here! Maybe it's the weekends that do it... Most outdated goes first: Don Barnes - or someone - uploaded his copy of Super Mario Quest v1.1.0, but forgot to claim it, so this one got overlooked. Badly. Two (three?) days later, this is getting posted. New features include a barrel-load of bugfixes and improved physics. The 89 and 92 Plus versions are available for DoorsOS II only. The 92 version is for Fargo II users. One of my personal favorites, BigDyna v2.1 Beta (see screenshot), has been updated for the 89. Bomberman is honestly, in my opinion, the greatest game of all time. Human society reached its apex in achievement with the creation of Bomberman. It now works on AMS v2.03, and HW2 support is existent, but limited. Download it here. The author, Jean Canazzi, can be reached here. I'd put this in its own news item, but I like these big hulking oversized news items, so there. Quentin Preuvot of Ti-Fr claimed and notified me of this wonderful, nifty, amazingly fantastic program, that has this, oh, how shall we put it, je ne sais quoi - a program that defeats the problems people had with their memory on Hardware 1.00 on AMS v2.03 - a problem that didn't allow users to get the extra half of the memory they so desired. This fixes that. MaxMem v1.00 can be downloaded from our archives for the 89 and the 92 Plus. This (obviously) only works for HW1 calculators using AMS v2.03. I've spent an hour writing and preparing this news item and I'm still not done! Niklas Brunlid has updated SomeGame v0.65 again. Download it for the 89 and the 92 Plus...again! A bug has been fixed in HW2Patch that now enables one to patch their calculator indefinitely. Patch your calc 89-style and/or 92 Plus-style. AS92, the famous on-calc ASM compiler, has been updated by Deep Brain Activity. It's now ported to AMS v2.03 and macros have been added. Grab yourself some of that sweet lovin' for the 89 and the 92 Plus. It's 4:12. Do you know where Ontic v0.99 is? I do! A 68K-based on-calc C compiler, Ontic v0.99 features complete stability and some bugfixes. Download the developer version for the 89 and the 92 Plus. You a user? We have the goods for you: the user version is available for the 89 and the 92 Plus. This had better be it, because I need to eat dinner! The delectable Kouri Rosenberg has released TxtView v1.52 for the 83 and the 83 Plus for Ion. Sam Heald did the porting to the 83 Plus. Features include a bugfix related to the APD feature. You want source code for this? Well, we've got that too! Source code is available for the 83 and the 83 Plus. I'm going to sleep.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Txtview 83+
(Web Page)
Don't run this program from Ion, it causes the calc to lock up and you have to take a battry out and you lose your RAM.
3 April 2000, 00:56 GMT
Re: There Are Too Many Programs Released This Week
wow, it actually fixes the "half archive" bug (I dont know the technical name for it; I gave it a nick)? Sweet...
3 April 2000, 01:13 GMT
HW2 Fix
(Web Page)
hhmm.. i just tried the newer version of the hardware 2 patch on my virtual ti and it wont let me upload any asm programs and when i ran a basic program it displayed: "Internal Error"
I dont suppose ill put it on my calc until i know for sure it will work! ill recap. does anyone know if the new hw 2 patch will work right on the calc?
3 April 2000, 02:22 GMT
Re: There Are Too Many Programs Released This Week
(Web Page)
Action RPG Construction set didn't get a news item.
3 April 2000, 05:18 GMT
Speaking of AMS 2.03......
(Web Page)
Is there a way to get Periodic Table 2.0 Beta to work with AMS 2.03? It's the best periodic table I've seen for all the calcs.
Also, which do you guys like better and why? BigDyna vs. BomberBoy
3 April 2000, 05:43 GMT
Re: There Are Too Many Programs Released This Week
HOLY COW@$!!^#@$!
erm, *coff*, ahem
This is truly great, especially the HW1 mem fix, I was running out of space for my backup database
3 April 2000, 08:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: There Are Too Many Programs Released This Week
Jonas Lööf
Perhaps your right regerding the HW2 patch; I haven't looked into it, since i own a HW1. As for the HW1 archive fix I have a farely good idea how it works, or at least how I would have done it, and I see no reason, what so ever, not to release its source.
It's not like the information neaded to write it is hard to get (Johan Borg's texts and the reference of the flash mem covers most of it), or dificult to understand. The only data that isn't readilly availible is, what adresses to jump to, to unlock the flash, and what code parts to patch. The first of these is not hard to find, through reverse engenering, just extremely boring. (I know since I did it once, when I thought I'd write a generic flash patcher.) To find what code to patch would of cause be harder, but not that hard, just singel step a call to arcive write, or trace it manually.
Since it semes to be posible to permanently damage a HW1 calc (by clearing the certificate memory), I would feel a lot safer if I had the sorce to programs like these. It's easy to check if a program unlocks the flash protection (using VTI; set a data write breakpoint on the range 0x1c0000-0x1fffff), but how are you suposed to check for malicious behaviour in programs that are suposed to do that? Since anybody intrested in writing a trojan (that clears the cert mem), already can find the info neded, releasing the source would do no harm. As for a trojan, where better to hide it than in a program that offers more memory. (Not that I think thats the case, but I won't bet my calc on it.)
3 April 2000, 21:04 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: There Are Too Many Programs Released This Week
Juan Corral
(Web Page)
Just thinking about that whole "trojan" idea you guys put out... What kind of person can decipher someone else's code, fully comprehand the way a Flash EEPROM works, write a good trojan, and then distribute it on a *LARGE* site, with *COMMENT* boards, it would be exposed fairly quickly, however it might jack up some calcs :( But still it would take a pretty good programmer to do this.
And on another note, I think all programs should be open source, and follow the GPL. I personnaly like to play with the sources of programs, and make small optimizations to them (be it a Computer or TI-89 program). Also this allows for others to quickly and efficently update programs after authors have lost interests. For example, we could have an author that wrote a program back in 1998, prior to the relase of AMS 2.03, and now in 2000, he has left the "communtiy" so there is no way for many users to update that program so that it complies with the new standards.
This is just some stuff to think about, I don't neccessarily mean for it to apply to HW2Patch or MaxMem, but I wouldn't mind knowing how they work...
4 April 2000, 00:32 GMT
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