Posted by Nick on 2 February 2000, 03:13 GMT
Icarus Productions has given me a great present for my birthday--albeit unwittingly :). For all you TI-86 fans out there (such as myself), you'll be pleased to know that Clem Vasseur has released Ion86, a great new program that emulates TI-83 Ion programs on your 86. Matthew Shepcar helped out by writing the .COM file included that converts the Ion programs to a compatible .86s format, and also by providing the TI-83 emulation core from Rascall. Thanks a ton to Clem and Matt for providing a great new program for all the 86-philes.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
Now this ain't right. As soon as the 83+ starts rappidly getting programs the 86 gets an emulator. Now this is just another excuse for 86 owners to brag about their calculators. Of course my 83+ can still hold more programs at once then your peoples 86. Of course also there is the fact that the 86 is not flash upgradeable/customizable. watch this emulator cause some more crashes, this emulator may have some bugs in it as well as the fact that ion programs are not perfect. Why doesn't someone just make SOS86 since it has more programs, inculding most ion programs.
2 February 2000, 22:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
All TI Graphing calculators except the original 92, 85, 82, 81, 80, and 73(?) have the built-in assembly capability. On all calcs exept the 86, a shell is required because the ASM programs are written for a specific shell. I think that (at least for the 83/83+) this is because the shell extends the ASM support, or something. I do know that the 86 is the only calc where you can run Every Program from the homescreen and not require a kernel, library, or shell. (Except for emulation, but that is different)
4 February 2000, 23:54 GMT

There is nothing wrong with the angled screen
(Web Page)
"The 83 plus has a screen raised to the surface, so anyone who calls it a piece of crap and forgets the calculators with an angled screen should get their eyes checked."
Actually, the screen on the 83+ is inset into the case by about 2mm.
What is wrong with the slanted screens of the 86, 85, and 82? I personally think that those screens are superior to the screens of the other calcs (except maybe the 92/92+, I've never seen one), because of the protective plastc cover. Because of this cover, the screen is easy to clean and can't get scrached easily. The screen of the 83+ (and the 89) is not good because when dirt, grease and scratches don't come off.
I don't care too much about flat versus angled screens, that is only an opinion and I prefer angled, but it is the protective cover versus the unprotected screen that I care about.
5 February 2000, 04:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
shutup, The emulator emulates the 83 verson of ION, most ION games also are avalible for the 83+, Your getting the same games. Anyway if it has lots more games then why do you need ours. Plus I'm an 83 owner as well. Plus you forgot to mention the 92(+), which could kick you 86 out the window anyday. As a matter of fact, isn't the 83+ basically a souped up 83. So anyone who thinks the 83 plus is a piece of crap and the 83 isn't, really needs to compare the features.
Also the point of a calculators superiourty is not how many games are avalible for it but its features and power. the 83 plus has a 2 mhz faster processer then the 83.
Last but not least, at least I can hold all the games, I mean asm programs that the 83+ has avalible at once. The 86, I would guess you can only hold at most 10 crappy games. 5 ok, and 1 good.
4 February 2000, 00:32 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
I have no problem with anything good happening to the ti community. When something good happens to the 83, 82, 83 +, and the 92(+), I have no problem because most of those owners are mature enough to not go in and say that someone elses calculator is a piece of crap. Most 86ers, 85ers, and 89ers come into a board that has nothing to remotely do with their calculator (not like emulation of an 83+/83 shell) and say your calculator is crap. Usually they are the people who treat a calculator as if it were a portable gaming system. And about not having access to, I've used an 86, I asked the owner of it (today) how much ram it has and he told me. It turns out that he had a lot of math stuff stored on it, a lot of vars and stuff. Anyway, If there is something good for the 82 I won't say anything negative, until someone says something like, "the 82 now has this and makes the 83 worthless."
4 February 2000, 23:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
Why does others suck so much. Let me ask you a queston. On other calculators, can you select the function, can you see the menu, do the menus work, can you access the menu? See, your 86, 85, and 89 have diffrent looks for their menus. Thats all. I operated an 85, I think the shape of it sucks. The screen, you can barely see crap if it were under the clear plastic that covers the LCD. Its as bad as the old 82. I think the 85 should be disposed of. The 86 and 89 arn't so bad, but the 86 has no flash memory. The 89, well I think its a very good calculator, the only thing is that ti is premoting the ti 83 plus more then they are their 68k calculators. My next calculator will be an 89.
4 February 2000, 00:57 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
I have used the 82, 83+, 85, 86, and 89. I own the 86 & 89 and frequently use my friend's 83+ to put games on it. I have written programs on all of those calculators, and the 86(85) are, in my opinion, the easiest to program for because of their menu system. They are the only calculators where the menu stays open after you select a menu item, which makes repeated tasks a lot easier. The ability to type commands in if you don't know where to find them also makes programming easier, and the custom menu makes frequently used calc functions easier to use. I think that the 83+ is the best calc in its class, and its class contains the 82, 83, and 83+ calcs. I see no reason for anyone to get the 82 or 83. However, the ONLY advantage over the other calcs is that it has FLASH ROM, which in turn means a lot of mem and crash protection, although every once in a while games will just disappear from the calc and I have to put the games back on. So, I think that the 83+ is an OK calculator--there is nothing WRONG with it, it just isn't as good as some other calcs. Sometimes I actually consider getting one so that when people at school with 83+s want games, I won't have to take them home.
5 February 2000, 00:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
6 February 2000, 03:14 GMT

Maybe there IS a Reason!
(Web Page)
People have a reasons for calling the 83+ crap, they also have reasons for calling the mac crap. The original reason (I think) that people called the 83+ crap is because there weren't any games and people were demanding games, or something. That is also (in my opinion) the reason that a mac is not a good system: there are no (well, maybe a couple) good games! (the other thing with macs is most people are introduced to them at school and therefore don't like them. I might have a LITTLE more respect for macs if I didn't first use them at school.
But that said, the 83+ is (in my opinion) only worth getting if you are VERY pressed for money. If you (or your parents) can afford an 83+, you can probably afford the much more worthwhile TI-86. The 86 is more advanced than the 83+ (except for the FLASH ROM), just like the 89 is more advanced than the 86, no arguments. Heck, the 89 is more advanced than all the other calcs - 92+ excluded - combined! (by more advanced, I mean math capabilites, not games. If more advanced applied to games, the 86 would be at the top.)
8 February 2000, 21:42 GMT

Re: Maybe there IS a Reason!
(Web Page)
The mac, you might have a little more respect for the mac if you first used its true interface. Schools put that crap called At Ease on it that makes the system as unstable as Windows and Put the crap called Netscape on most of them too. I HATE windows, Microsoft products have a high quality most of the time, but once they got to windows 98, they turned their os into crap, windows nt 4.0 is good, but from what I here of Windows 2000 is that it is supposed to be worse then windows 98.
In my opinion the 83+ is worth getting when that is the most advanced calculator my school can teach you everything about. The 83+ is also good if you want an very good calculator for a cheaper price. Calculators with flash upgradability are much more expandable then the ones that don't.
Also in my opinion, Most PCs=crap. All macintoshes=quality, support, endless features, better resolution, and for the games it has, a very good gaming machine. Most here have never seen the true power of the most advanced Mac in stores. Hey, the mac os kernal is very good, the only disadvantage for lazy people is that there is no start menu. Some people are too lazy to navigate through your hard drive or create atlases(shortcuts for the mac illiterit) on your desktop, plus the trash can makes more sence over a recycling bin that works more like a trash can.
9 February 2000, 23:17 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
Yeah they are game beggars! This one kid in my math class kept asking me for games and I told him that I have an 89, not an 83+. Then the next day he says, I just bought a Graphlink, can you show me how to use it? I was like, what the heck, you need to be at a computer for it to work dumbnutz. Anyways as it goes on, I finally said, goto and look for games. He did, and put them on his calc, with ION, ofcourse. He crashed it as usual. Then he put the same frikin program that crashed it, on the calc again! AND AGAIN HE CRASHED IT! Therefore I believe the stability of a calc greatly depends on the user of it, and "ofcourse" the program version and if it has any bugs in it. I cannot believe how many people have not read the readme file and just put the game on their calc. Anyways, those are my two sense on this whole section of misunderstanding, well, you call it what you want....
-akromix "Coppermine 500E RULES!!! Got mine to 750Mhz!"
5 February 2000, 18:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you even Own a calc?
(Web Page)
If you don't remeber how to spell it you don't have to: you find it in the menu or the catalog. Also, if you find in a menu or put it in the custom menu, you can enter it repeatedly.
For example, I was writing a math program for a friend (on the 83+), and scince I like to clean up, I write programs so that they delete any variables used during the program. So, I needed to use the DelVar( command a bunch of times, and it is REALLY annoying to have to go into the menu and then find the delvar( command or even after a few times just press alpha-g (or something) in the menu EACH time I needed to use that command! I had at least 10 variables to delete. On the 86, I just go into the CTL (program editor) menu, press [more][more][more] [F1], then the variable, next line: [F1] then the variable, ect... It is much more efficient, and the ABILITY to type commands in is good if you know the command.
8 February 2000, 21:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
I'm not jellous because I don't want games from other calculators. I, unlike pethetic people, don't treat my calculator as a gameboy. I treat it more as a low powered portable computer. That little ram it has is not enough for a developer (me). I need flash to protect my programs. Real solver? ohh, I figured out the solver as soon as I got it. Humm, I wonder why I can calculate as 27 varables using my solver. Think before you speek. Of course some people with the intellegence of an orange can't figure it out, the same people who say a game sucks where you need to think because they can't beat the first level. Bigger screen, I think you mean sharper screen idiot. I don't care, again there is no advantage to me having better resolution, If you install a secondary z80 processer, heck you could put in an active matrax screen. Lowercase, I can use an ION program for that or a flash app to enable it. TI simply disabled it becaues some people might have trouble understanding it. ascii input, again, why the hell would I care, I can learn hex and do all I want with my 83 plus that involves non-basic functions. I'll stop here
4 February 2000, 00:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
While 96k of RAM is small, it's still enough for periodic tables and storing a lot of formula programs also.
>I agree
the 86 has more than 27 variables (each one can have up to 8 letters as its name), thus you can do more variables in the 86's solver than the 83 (I think, I've never tried the 83's, didn't know it had one).
>83 can use other methods of storing values than just the alphabet
Insulting people because of a calculator doesn't make you any better than those who think they're merely gameboys.
>I only insult those who provoke me, the only reason this happened was because I stated my opinion that says that I feel its not fair that the 83+ doesn't even have an emulator to emulate its closest family member, the 83.
There is an advantage to better screen resolution: you get to see more. Which would you rather view your desktop as, 640x480 or 800x600?
>I actually like mine at 1024x728, this is a calculator were talking about, why do you need an better resolution for that. A computer (most) have a multi-tasking operating system, where you need to have space to see everything. I have 7 windows open right now. A calculator is not like that, the only thing better about high resolution for a calculator are games, or in the 92 calculators, the menus.
I don't understand your sentence about a secondary z80 processor...
> a secondary z80 processer gives the 85 or lower model number the power to operate a more advanced screen, optimally.
Lowercase is much easier to use when you don't have to run an assembly/flash program to obtain it.
>Once you run the program or change the options, you can delete the program. Its better because you have an option.
TI wouldn't disable lowercase because people wouldn't understand it. I think TI has a LITTLE more faith in its customers :P
>Well they did, but to make the ti 83+ simpiler, the reason the code is even in there is so the system can display it without using assembly.
You can also learn how to do all you want for an 86 that involves non-basic functions, too.
>I agree, I am just saying that the 83+ is only limited to the owners or programers capabilities.
4 February 2000, 23:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
Dude.. I'm serious.. you DON'T know what you're talking about. ASCII input is where you can type in a command, for instance, Graph( and once you hit enter it finds the token for it and replaces it with that (if you even know what that means mister smart guy).. On the 83, you have to find it in a menu and do it. AND, what I meant about a REAL solver, is the 86 does REAL solving. The 83/+ only does 0=[equ], which SUCKS. Oh, and, btw, the 86 can do more than 27 variables. I never said the 83 sucked... I said that you shouldn't be dissin the GOOD programmers that are making GOOD programs for the 86 and you getting all mad when it DOESN'T EVEN CONCERN YOU. now SHUT UP
5 February 2000, 01:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
I know what ASCII means I thought you said another term that has a similar spelling, don't look for it too many people might have a seasure, thats why I won't mention it. I don't mind looking for it in menus, Its actually faster using menus if you know where it is (like me).
The 83s solver is perfectly fine, its not that hard to enter it in more as a check step then the actual equation, it works perfectly fine for me, I don't know what people classify it as a sucky solver when it works with a diffrent method but does the same thing.
I never said it can't do more then 27 variables, the 83 can too, if you know how.
I don't mean to disrespect good programers for the 86, I'm only saying that, why can't these calculators stay with their native language, I'm sure ti would agree.
And it does concern me, that "This aint fair" statement was a joke, if you wern't a nerd, you could figure that out. So now you shut the hell up before you say something stupid, wait you already did. Damm, nobody understands that I got mad from the insulting of the 83, me, and the stupidity in this message board.
6 February 2000, 03:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ion86
(Web Page)
dumbass from the dumbass and dumbass corperation, try translating 5x+B=3d+5 to 0=(5x+B)-(3d+5) and enter it into the solver, you'll get the right answer, if you study it you'll see how it works. Also I don't know everything in every menu. Because I program, I learned most of the functions. Also knowing a lot about a subject doesn't make you a nerd. If you are a nerd, like some on this board, you probly have no life, you try and prove everyone wrong, and people hate you. If you have ever seen somebody say, "look its snowing outside," and pop up in their conversation and say "NO, ACTUALLY THATS CALLED SLEAT, SNOW HAS <some characteristic> and sleet has <some other characteristic>. You are probly a nerd. When someone says that its a laptop, I don't say, that no its really a <some name, eg. Power>Book.
8 February 2000, 03:30 GMT
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