United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
Posted by Michael on 22 August 2005, 05:57 GMT
United-TI is following up its successful ASM programming contest with a BASIC one. The category for entries is "strategy type game" with a prize of a new 256 MB USB 2.0 flash drive. On September 1, details of the official rules will be posted. Currently they are accepting registrations for the contest.
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Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
(Web Page)
Of course, the deadline is impossible for me to find.
I do appreciate this contest though!
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23 August 2005, 06:49 GMT
Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
Well, I have a great program in the working that sounds like it would fit in with this contest, but I see no way where I will get it done in the next year+. I will have very little time as soon as school starts, maybe if I had started it earlier this summer...
It MIGHT have then had a chance to be finished by whenever the deadline for this contest would be. Oh well, maybe next year...
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23 August 2005, 14:56 GMT
[ ! ]
(Web Page)
You know, if you wanted a 256meg flash drive, you could buy one for $20.
I guess that's not the point, though.
Bragging rights is what it's all about!
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24 August 2005, 00:42 GMT
Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
(Web Page)
BASIC is slooooooooowwwwwww and pathetic.
Try a C/68k asm contest; you may get more interest.
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25 August 2005, 20:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
(Web Page)
Webpages can already be, and are by some companies such as Google, Yahoo, etc. written in C. Knowing that, it is now far off from knowing it is possible to write them in assembler, but there is really no point since scripting languages such as perl, php, python, and a few others already are much more efficient.
Of course you don't have to tell me what webpages are or aren't, I do contract web programming on the side of my normal day job of database development.
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1 September 2005, 11:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: United-TI Holds BASIC Programming Contest
(Web Page)
First, to clarify, I don't hate BASIC itself, I dislike the facts that a.) TI limits its non-assembly developers to using a slow BASIC interpreter, b.) they are satisfied with the mediocraty it provides, and c.) the hardware on which BASIC programs are interpreted doesn't help the situation. This is why I stopped using TI's BASIC dialect for TI programming! In fact, that's why I stopped developing for TI and moved to PC and Palm OS (both of which support far more powerful math software than what TI can provide), which do NOT impose these limitations. I know that TI intends for their hardware to be used for educational purposes, but even they can see that there is a large minority of users who are developers, and want better equipment with which to develop for graphing calculators!
Second, I post here because I can get this message across to the international TI community more easily.
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2 September 2005, 20:43 GMT
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