Excitebike 68k Released
Posted by Michael on 21 May 2004, 03:54 GMT
Instead of posting news this week, I've been spending sleepless nights finishing the last major projects of high school. But now, I return to bring you news of an astounding new game for the 89, 92+, and Voyage 200, Excitebike 68k. Excitebike is a clone of the NES game by the same name. There isn't much to say, other than the graphics are superb and the gameplay looks very realistic.
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Re: Excitebike 68k Released
Darn I was thinking my clac needed this game and of course instead of it coming on my 83 it comes to the 68k :P and I was hoping so hard for 83+
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21 May 2004, 12:56 GMT
Re: Excitebike 68k Released
Travis Evans
Hey, this look pretty cool! I'll have to try it out some time. Unfortunately, I still have a very large backlog of 89 programs to try out, because I have too many other hobbies keeping me busy.
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21 May 2004, 17:26 GMT
Re: Excitebike 68k Released
Joey Gannon
(Web Page)
I'm going to predict now that Travis Fischer is soon to become a permanent fixture on the "Most downloaded authors for the past seven days" list. Between Ice Hockey and this, as well as his other two, less-noticed programs, he has already proven himself to be an incredible programmer, and I'm sure his future works will be just as impressive. Great job!
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21 May 2004, 20:43 GMT
Re: Excitebike 68k Released
Hey, great job on this game!
i have a few suggestions and whatnot...
1. First i got some older version of this that i found somewhere, and it was MUCH easier to get a faster time, let me tell you. The kind of run that i used to get a 0:37 on then, however, now gets me a 1:00. I believe this is because it was faster without CPU opponents, and now you fixed this by making Selction A slower or somethin. I propose you make the cheats easier to get, maybe a time of 1:05 or somehting along those lines, for those of us who are only mortal.
2. How 'bout a random level generator? That might be fun...
3. Do front flips work? I dont think they do.... Plus, off of some jumps, the rider does his backflip really fast (e.g. piece T in track editor) while he does it much slower from other jumps. I hope i didnt demand too much :-)
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21 May 2004, 22:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Excitebike 68k Released
bear with me here, but i also dont really understand the point of "Selection B".
I understand that it has AI bikes and all, but after you pass the bikes, more appear later, and you can never really get 1st. Getting a position doesnt seem to be the important thing here; i think you just want another way to get a best time, but with other bikes there.
How about someday making a "Selection C" where the bikes you race are faster and you actually race, not for a time, but for a place(who crosses the finish first)? This way you can see the AI do a good run and improve yours based on what they do.
I dont know if this is possible, and im not telling you to do it, im just raising up another suggestion...
Yeah, i guess you can notice i have lots of ideas.
Again, no offense to this game is meant, it is already TRULY AWESOME.
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23 May 2004, 06:36 GMT
Re: Excitebike 68k Released
atila kilic
for some reason the game hang up my v200
i tried to edit a track and then i cant restart my ti.
if i change the batteries it does open automaticaly and it shows me the excitebike track editor screen.
if i try to take out the round flat battery and if i try to put it in the v200 again, it wont change anything. same track editor screen. and i cant turn off the v200, everytime i change the batteries it shows up the excitebike screen.
plz help me coz in the near time i need my calculator for exams :(
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28 May 2004, 16:49 GMT
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