Calculator Chili?
Posted by Michael on 31 January 2004, 00:58 GMT
Hormel Foods Corporation has recalled its canned chili product because of external contamination. What was 104,000 pounds of chili contaminated with - Mad Cow Disease? No. Calculators. Sixteen states now have extra-special, super-mathematical cans of chili on their grocery shelves. In unrelated events, a former staff member has reported that Nick lost his graphing calculator last week. After an unsuccessful attempt at late-night cow tipping, Nick was performing bovine mass computations. Upon leaving the pasture, he was subsequently unsure as to where had left his beloved 86.
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Re: Calculator Chili?
(Web Page)
Wow. I thought that was a joke, then I clicked on the link.
I wonder what kind of calculator it was... hopefully a low-end HP, I would hate to see a TI graphing calculator be multilated and spread among 100K+ cans of chili.
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31 January 2004, 03:00 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Calculator Chili?
I'm not sure what's wrong (if anything) with HPs, but Casios are unusable.
The low-end models can't find minimum, maximum, intersect or zeros. (even a TI73 or 81 can do that - it's what a graphics calculator is designed for!)
The higher-range models can do these things, and have color (really crappy).
Another problem is that the on-calc BASIC is unusable. I don't usually have a problem with 86-style menus, but the ones on a casio have some wierd ways of selecting things. You also don't have the option of "typeable tokens" which are good if you cant find what you're looking for.
BUT, the main problem is the lack of user-upgradability. they haven't even published what processor is in there, let alone opened any holes for assembled or compiled programs.
To ensure you always stay with quality calculators, "Don't call it a Casio, call it a Crappio"
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31 January 2004, 07:30 GMT

We've seen it. We've looked online at its bid specs. We think it's a PDA, not a calc, and doesn't belong here. Anyway, I know an HP-49G+ owner, and he is constantly swearing at it, while it gives off little irritating beeps instead of error messages and he doesn't know what he's doing wrong. He's read the manual-such as there is one-and cannot figure the calculator out. He can barely do four-function work with it (he's never opened the text editor, used the link, graphed an equation, etc), and that's when the weather is mild enough so that the keys don't melt or freeze. That calc is an irritating waste of time. If you need a new one, get an 89Ti when they come out and put PedroM, Morvlon 3.00, and some external memory on it.
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31 January 2004, 16:37 GMT
It happens to all of us.....?
The Muffin Man
(Web Page)
I've lost my calc before too, 83+ for a few weeks...
I found it later in a black bag. (wtf?)
Good luck finding it. (Finding being the keyword, might be stolen)
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31 January 2004, 03:24 GMT
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