Icarus releases RPG source; to be hosted soon
Posted on 7 February 1999, 01:28 GMT
Andreas Ess of Icarus Productions has released the source code to an RPG game under development called the Wrath of Zalthar. The game was meant to be for ZShell, but Andreas would like someone to take over the project and convert it to Usgard. Andreas has also released a bug-fixed version of M.C.Mik for the TI-85 (Usgard) and plans to release Bomberbloke within 24 hours. Icarus Productions will soon be hosted at ticalc.org, as they are taking advantage of our new site hosting service. Icarus is also planning a new site design. If you would like more information about this new service, read the news article posted a few days ago or email hosting@ticalc.org.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Hmm, "Bomberbloke?"
The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
Very interesting... for those of you who only skimmed over the article, a side note says that Andreas Ess plans to release a game called Bomberbloke today. I wonder how this will stack up to the Bomberman game already in existence for the TI-85. I found Bomberman here once while browsing the archives and took it to school, thinking maybe a couple of people would want it. Now it's all over the place! It's one of the most popular games here. Maybe AE's game will be even better :-)
7 February 1999, 02:59 GMT
does this mean AE is getting out of the TI programming thing? is he moving on to bigger and better stuff? when AE wants someone to take over the programming of a game, that's serious shit.
7 February 1999, 06:50 GMT
Re: Icarus releases RPG source; to be hosted soon
Andreas seems to be insomniac!... :-) Godd work!... But why don't you continue on this RPG?...
7 February 1999, 10:32 GMT
Too much for the 85
Don't you also agree that there were too many releases for the TI-85 lately. What about the better calculators like the TI-89/92+?
7 February 1999, 20:45 GMT

Re: Re: Too much for the 85
Dux Gregis
(Web Page)
I don't think he means that there are too many releases for the 85 as much as he means there are not enough releases for the 89. In other words, if ess invested the same effort into the 89, the product would be overall better and appreciated better by the ti community. Sure, ess, as always, has made a great program. But think about the kind of program someone of his talent could create for the 89. That's not really an obtuse thought at all.
How can someone classify something as "better" than another? I mean, really, which polar cap are you from? The 86 is better than the 85, the 83 is better than the 82, the 92+ is better than the 92, and that's that.
8 February 1999, 07:41 GMT
Not again!
The Notorious Computerman
(Web Page)
There seems to be some jerkoff going by the name of Mike who is of the attitude that unless you spend all your money on a top of the line calculator instead of settling for a perfectly adequate (and much less expensive) TI-82, '83, '85 or '86, then you are a fool. I really pity people who feel they must stoop to this level to get attention. Remember that message board a month or two about respect? I didn't really agree with the article, but it turned up some very interesting issues. Maybe we need another mass discussion about respect for other people in the TI-community . . .?
7 February 1999, 22:51 GMT
Re: Icarus releases RPG source; to be hosted soon
Ok, I like the 86. I don't like shells. someone should make a good RPG for the 86. this RPG looks nice, I think it should be done for the 86.
8 February 1999, 22:07 GMT
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