Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 released
Posted on 11 January 1999, 03:58 GMT
Sam Heald has released the Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 for the TI-82 (Ash) and TI-83 (AShell83). Sam has taken over the project from Harper Maddox. This release fixes many bugs and adds a few new features. Sam's future projects include Rogue Runner, NFL Blitz, and Baseball II. For more information on Sam's games, check out Sam Heald and Derrick Ward's website.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 released
Hey, I hear of an 86 version, but can I use it with out using any Shells? I just run most of my programs out of ASM. Is this how it works? Also where can I find this .86P so I can use it.
PLease email me location/file if possible.
12 January 1999, 15:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 released
When the game is finished, will you convert it for the 86 too? :o) First off, I heard the supposed
Zelda86 is a fake, (If I'm wrong, I apologize to the author in advance, keep up the hard work) :o) and besides, even if it is in the works, why not portit anyway? You might have the same general idea, but I'm sure the two storylines will be different. It's not like Tetris, you know ;)
Anywho, I can't wait to try this demo, and keep up the great work.
12 January 1999, 18:00 GMT
Re: Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 released
Phil Romagni
Could you give us a rough estimate when this game will be available for an 86? Not the ported or 82 version, but a strictly 86 version, is this likely in the near future?
12 January 1999, 21:34 GMT
Re: Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.4
(Web Page)
The new updated version still crashes my 86 when I try to enter a door. I think it is the one to the dungeon, but then again, I've never been there so...
By the way, click on "web page" to go to Macross Software if you don't know where it is. The 85/86 version is being developed there.
12 January 1999, 23:51 GMT
Re: Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 released
Zelda Fan
Finnally, some good quality games for the 83. mmmmmmmmm. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Zzeellddaa. Great game guys, keep up the good work on fixing the bugs.
12 January 1999, 23:56 GMT
Re: Legend of Zelda Demo v0.52.3 released
locked up my calc
13 January 1999, 00:59 GMT
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