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Labyr v1.0


Ranked as 3168 on our all-time top downloads list with 8779 downloads.

Filename labyr.zip (Download)
Title Labyr v1.0
Description A puzzle game like sokoban except with the addition of gravity.
Author Alban Gervaise (GefunS@I-France.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 6,504 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Aug 20 18:23:05 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Erich Oelschlegel
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 6/10 OK, but it's not exactly addicting
Controls: 5/10 A balance of control would be nice.
Implementation: 6/10 Gravity is unrealistic, IMO a pain.
Overall: 5/10 Wait for an upgrade.

Labryinth is a puzzle-type game, similar to Sokoban and Slippy, but with the addition of gravity. Thus, all of the blocks go side to side (if you push them), and fall straight down if there's nothing under them. Use the cursor pad to navigate the maze and push blocks around, off edges if you wish. Don't get underneath, where a block could fall on you, or else you die. I'm assuming you die, because at that point, the game does absolutely nothing. To get out of the death-state, simply hit ESC and return to your choice of shells. I tested this game under DoorsOS, and found that as the only bug. There are a few objections I have to this game. For one, the up arrow does not serve as an adequate jump button; probably a better choice would be to designate 2nd for that. Using the up arrow limits the controls, as only the right hand is used for playing. Implementing the left hand as well balances the control on both sides. In addition, getting used to the controls limits the amount of fun one could possibly have playing this game. The gravity is not well-implemented, and is not realistic.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
labyr_eg.txt   364
labyr.asm   18487
labyr.89z   2881
labyr_fr.txt   334

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