Chess Pro! v2.2
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Chess Pro! v2.2
A chess game that won't eat up half of your memory, unlike other programs. Easy to see graphics, move checking, 3 save slots and 1 autosave, small size. Now with the ability to repair Pic6 and Pic9.
Francis Huang (
TI-83 BASIC Games (Board/Chess)
File Size
10,819 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon May 27 15:33:45 2002
Documentation Included?
Review by
Ryan Aycock
Reviewed on
Attention span: 6/10 This game is only good with two Controls: 6/10 Keys take a while to respond Implementation: 9/10 3 1/2 K seems reasonable for chess Overall: 7/10 All fans of chess should get this
Chesspro 1.5 by Francis Huang is the quickest BASIC chess game around. Because the game uses letters instead of characters, movements are faster than in Chess X. Verifying moves are simple. If you should get caught playing by your teacher, there's a save option, too. Though this small, 3 1/2 K game is entertaining, there are some downsides which can hamper other programs.
Chesspro uses Pic 9 and Matrix G to store information. Although many people do not use matrices as high as G, certainly pictures are used up. Mr. Huang should use G to recall all the positions of game pieces during a load. I once deleted Pic 9 before loading a match and the whole game was screwed.
Because there is no A.I. fast or small enough for BASIC, the game is forced to be a two-player program. The user is required to swap his calculator with a friend while playing. There is no link support for Chesspro; although I'm sure a simple list and getcalc() could fix that.
If you're a chess lover, I suggest you download this file. If, however, you're not a big fan of board games, you should try something else. |
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