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Tunnel v1.0


Ranked as 1868 on our all-time top downloads list with 11655 downloads.
Ranked as 13032 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename tunnel.zip (Download)
Title Tunnel v1.0
Description Tunnel for the 89
Author Alban Gervaise (GefunS@I-France.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Kernel)
File Size 5,728 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 1 06:55:43 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Jonah Cohen
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 8/10 Will keep you hooked for a while.
Controls: 10/10 Very well implemented. They allow very good control over the car.
Implementation: 9/10 A good racing game.
Overall: 8/10 Fun reflex game. Small, too.

Tunnel v1.0 by Alban Gervaise a.k.a. Endive is a racing game. The objective is simply to maneuver your way through the tunnel without hitting the walls. The longer you last, the higher your score. The game also features three speeds and a high score for each.

Although the tunnels themselves tend to be strangely shaped (sometimes they move back and forth in an almost hypnotic motion...), it's still a very addicting game. Anybody who's ever been hooked on Indy500 or the like will definitely enjoy this game.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
WINDOWS/BUREAU/tunnel/tunnel.asm   10384
WINDOWS/BUREAU/tunnel/tunnel.89z   2667
WINDOWS/BUREAU/tunnel/tunnel_fr.txt   937
WINDOWS/BUREAU/tunnel/tunnel_eg.txt   769

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